Resources Supporting Computer Science and Information Technology Joe Kmoch May 2, 2013 Resources and slides available here:
Session Description In recent years, many useful resources have become available to both support schools developing computer science curricula and for teachers to teach these courses. We'll explore materials available from CSTA, NCWIT, ACM, ISTE and other groups. The resources address a range of activities including creating a program, recruiting students and supporting and enhancing quality curriculum for high schools
National Center for Women and Information Technology Organization of organizations Mission – to advocate for women and underrepresented minorities in IT Alliances – our focus: K-12 Alliance
Moving Beyond Comp Literacy: Why Computer Science?
Why? CS Gives Students Vital 21 st Century Skills CS Means Rewarding Careers CS: More than just Using Technology What you can tell school decision makers What can your school do to successfully incorporate CS education?
Top 10 Ways of Recruiting HS Women into your Computing Classes
Some of contents Collaborative projects with school groups Show how computing relates to interests like health, fashion, forensics, etc Develop tasks students consider important Realize confidence is not the same as ability …
Girls in IT: The Facts
Where are the girls? Girls and women in the US are avid users of technology but significantly underrepresented in its creation Girls’ lack of participation in this important and growing area has serious consequences not only for them but for the future of technical innovation
Why Consider an IT Career?
Why should young women consider an IT career?
Why consider an Career in IT? Meaningful Work Security and High Salaries through a Variety of Education Pathways Flexibility and Variety What should you tell young people about Careers in IT? How can Students Prepare Now for a Career in IT?
Counselors for Computing (C4C) Pathway Resources: Connects students’ interests with IT and computing career paths – University (4yr computing degree) – Community college (2yr degree and certs) – Military (tech careers) Resources: – Stored webinar, presentation, info sheet, talking points, CS and jobs
Computing Education and Future Jobs
About Computing Majors
Prepping for a Computing Major
… in a Box Series Computer Science-in-a-Box: Unplug Your Curriculum (CS Unplugged) Pair Programming-in-a-Box: The Power of Collaborative Learning Roadshow-in-a-Box: Capitalizing on Models for Outreach Outreach-in-a-Box: Discovering IT
Promising Practices series How Do You Introduce Computing in an Engaging Way? Globaloria: Students Designing Educational Games (Case Study 7) …others (Alice (CS 1), Unplugged (CS 2), Scratch (CS 5), Scalable Game Design (CS 6)
Gotta Have IT Computing Resource Kit Includes some of these NCWIT items and items from other groups including CSTA
Gotta Have IT Stuck in the Shallow End: Education, Race and Computing Computing Degrees and Careers (ACM) ISTE NETS Standards Computational thinking (ISTE and CSTA) Various CSTA resources
By the Numbers
Award for Aspirations in Computing
Wisconsin Aspirations Affiliate
Selected items: CSTA Chapters CS Education Week Advocacy Tools The Source CS Repository Voice bimonthly newsletter Reports Standards CS in K-8 Computational Thinking Curriculum Resources Other resources, posters
CSTA Computer Science Teacher Association Worldwide 13,735 members about 85% K-12 Supports Affiliate Chapters WI-Dairyland Chapter just was approved Join CSTA nationally at You’ll be part of our WI Chapter too Lots of resources….here goes…..
Recruiting and Maintaining Building Student Interest in Computing – PowerPoint presentation – see my wiki associated with this presentation: – Lots of good information to support recruiting and then maintaining kids in CS classes – There are some updated stats available from ACM on my wiki
Classroom Resources Imagine Brochure and Five Posters The K-12 CS Standards (3 rd ed) Computational Thinking Resources The Source Web Repository – About 250 resources there – Repository software upgrade coming
Posters and Brochures
New K-12 Computer Science Standards Introduces fundamental CS concepts to all students, beginning at the elementary school level. Presents CS at the secondary school level in a way that can fulfill a CS, math, or science graduation credit. Encourages schools to offer additional secondary-level CS courses that will allow students to study CS in more depth and prepare them for entry into the work force or college. Increases the availability of rigorous CS for all students, especially those who are members of underrepresented groups.
#NAFNext K-12 CS Standards rd Edition Provides a focus for all K-12 Computer Science curriculum and CS activities at the K-12 level Provides three sub-levels of standards for high school level (levels 3a, 3b and 3c)
#NAFNext K-12 CS Standards – 2 Written as a group of standards based on five strands: –Computational thinking (6) –Collaboration (2) –Computing practice (6) –Computers and Communication Devices (4) –Community, Global and Ethical Impacts (5) Each strand has 2 or more substrands Each substrand addressed by 1 or more standards per level (or sublevel in L3)
#NAFNext K-12 CS Standards – 3 Numbers of standards over five strands: –Computational thinking (6) –Collaboration (2) –Computing practice (6) –Computers and Communication Devices (4) –Community, Global and Ethical Impacts (5) Each strand has 2 or more substrands
#NAFNext Computational Thinking (CT) On the wiki for this presentation CSTA link, the ISTE link and a poster on CT Also take a look at my wiki
#NAFNext The Source This is the CSTA C Web Repository Has about 250 curriculum resources mapped to the standards In the process of being updated to the new standards and expanded and using new, less buggy (we hope) software There a link on my wiki and a link on the CSTA home page
Research and Advocacy Tools Equity issues Certification issues Curriculum studies including international community CSTA Advocacy Toolkit Advocacy Blog …more
CSTA Annual Conference Every year since 2000 Monday and Tuesday, July 15 and 16, 2013 Quincy (Boston), MA July 15: Ten 3-hour Workshops July 16: Two Keynotes and 21 Concurrent Sessions in four timeslots
Other Resources CSTA Listserve The Voice bi-monthly publication Crosswalk documents – Comparing CSTA K-12 CS Standards with Common Core State Standards (CCSSM and CCSSELA) STEM Cluster Topics Partnership for 21 st Century Essential Skills – Skills mapped to the Standards – Standards mapped to the Skills
Yet other resources… Coming: – 2013 National Secondary Computer Science Survey Results and Analysis (May or June) – Report on CS Certification in K-12 (late summer)
WI-Dairyland CSTA Affiliate President: Andy Kuemmel, Madison Vice Pres: Dean Johnson, Fort Atkinson Secretary: Joe Kmoch, Milwaukee Treasurer: Bob Juranitch, Milwaukee Dennis Brylow, Marquette Mark Hall, UW-Marathon County Lori Hunt, Middleton HS Eric Watson, Wausau Public Schools
WI-Dairyland CSTA Affiliate Anticipated: – Bi-monthly meetings – CS Ed Week activities – CS4HS Google Conference – Strands at other conference such as WMC – Multiple Approach Competitions – Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter – Blog – Listserve (Announcement and Discussion)