- Introduction - Procurement status - Main milestones EUSO-BALLOON DESIGN REVIEW, , CNES TOULOUSE Guillaume Prévôt APC, Paris Schedule
Introduction The schedule (EUSO-SCH-INST-005-APC_V1.0) has been made from mid 2012 to March 2014 with: - 3 weeks of margins - 7 weeks of holydays / year. CDR – Schedule2
Procurement status - Lenses: will be manufactued from December the 10th. The 3 lenses will be finished June, the 10 th. Delivery at IRAP of the 3 lenses after measurements in US: July, the 27th - Mechanical structure: will be received by IRAP June, the 10 th. - EEE: every electronics components are supplied or foreseen to be. No long- span delivery identified. PDM: - EC_ASIC board: EC_ASIC board FM will be produced April, the 2 nd by LAL. - HVPS boards: HVPS boards FM will be delivered April, the 2 nd at APC. - PDM board: PDM board FM will be delivered March, the 12 nd at APC. DP: - All the subsystems will be produced and tested April, the 2 nd. CDR – Schedule
Main milestones Main milestones: - CRE AIT EC Unit May, the 29th - CRE AIT PDM July, the 3rd - CRE AIT DP June, the 25th - CRE AIT PDM + DP communication September, the 13rd - CRE AIT Instrument (after a rehaearsal of a campaign), ready to fly November, the 19th - Delivery at Timins, Canada (after 30 days shipment) February, the 18th - Ready to fly March, the 6th CDR – Schedule