Please copy the following info about the types of sentences into your English notebook.
Kinds of Sentences Declarative: States a fact, gives information. Declarative sentences have a subject and a verb and sometimes a direct object. Luke grows amazing plants. When the president was young, he skated. Richard plays the flute.
Kinds of Sentences Interrogative: Asks a question, Interrogative sentences often start with words that ask questions, such as who, why, what, where, which, when, how. Brittany, are you out of gummy bears? What time will Chance’s plane arrive? How is Jibri doing?
Kinds of Sentences Imperative: Gives an order. The subject “you” is often implied. The sentence may be just one or two words long. Run! [Implied: You run!] Eat your sushi! [Implied: You eat your sushi] Angus, do something about that haggis!
Kinds of Sentences Exclamatory: Expresses strong emotion. You’re fired! I quit! You can’t quit! You’re fired! This is whack! I’m ghost!
Please copy the following info about the types of clauses into your English notebook.
A dependent clause depends on the rest of the sentence to make sense. Dependent clauses cannot stand alone, even if they have a subject and a predicate. They do not form complete sentences. Although the Grizzlies tried, they lost the game. (Dependent clause=not a simple sentence) Heather visits San Felipe twice a year because she loves it. (Dependent clause=not a simple sentence) Independent Clause
A comma sometimes separates one clause from another. While she waited at the light, Caroline did her nails. (dependent clause) (independent clause) The dependent clauses “although the Grizzlies tried,” “because he loves it,” and “while she waited at the light” cannot stand alone. They depend on the rest of the sentence for meaning. Dependent Clause
That’s it.