Searching the Web Know what you are doing
Which computer type? Are you using a PC or a Mac? This is a Mac or Apple computer
PC Computers PC used to mean Personal Computer but it has come to mean NOT a Mac So:Dell, HP, etc
Browsers A web browser is a software application for retrieving information on the World Wide Web. Safari Firefox Internet Explorer
Search Engines Google Yahoo AOL Bing Different tools looking for stuff on the Web -robots called spiders do the looking
Directories Web sites selected by people and sorted by subject
Search box is where you enter your query Navigation bar has a space for web address or URL of web site Make sure you know how to bookmark web sites so you can easily get back to them
Almost 13 million hits in quarter of a sites are commercial but can be very sites could belong to a university but may be by sites are usually great but may have a is from the government
In a long article, use ctrl+F or Find under edit Enter word you are looking for, it will be highlighted
Evaluating a web page Here are some things to consider when selecting web pages, the who, what, when, where and why. From See here to think about evaluating all sources of informationhere
Some sites to look at Dog Island: Free Forever Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Haggis Hunt Sellafield Zoo The World’s First Transgenic Mouse