Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real estate and property management for: Greystone & Co. February 23, 2007
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Table of contents: Service Areas Service Areas The Client Portal The Client Portal New Revenue Streams New Revenue Streams Market Separators Market Separators Cost Savings Cost Savings Client Retention Client Retention The Back End The Back End
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Student Housing Condominiums Home Owners Associations Planned Communities Retirement Villages Assisted Living/Nursing Facilities Financing “High Touch” Services Tangible Assets Captive Audience Information Needs / Data = Architecture PTI’s modular, customizable, design allows us to translate your data into new information. Property/Real Estate TypesService Types
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC The capstone of the PTI product suite is a dynamically generated, fully customized web-portal for your clients. These portals positively affect your business in several critical areas: Generate several new revenue streams; Differentiate your company in the marketplace; Provide immediate cost savings and reduce the capital required for growth; Increase client retention; The PTI architecture and design allow us to do this with minimal impact on current work processes and very low operating costs. The PTI Suite
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC The client portal generates revenue in both direct and indirect ways. The portal itself is a billable, monthly, service; PTI will work with you to market the service to your clients; Generate revenue from third party vendors – ads, features, discounts; PTI provides usage analysis, vendor preferences, recommendations, etc. Managing payment options allows you to leverage discounts, processing fees, volume pricing, etc; New Revenue Streams
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Market Separators Not a single major health care facility management firm offers their clients what PTI can enable GreystoneHC to offer. GreystoneHC will not only be first to market – they will create the market – and the rest will follow.
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Immediate Cost Savings Increased efficiencies are a natural byproduct of the PTI configuration analysis and implementation. Automated communications reduce call volume; Self-help tools for clients, such as online payment processing, can save between $2.50 and $10.00 per transaction; Electronic document management, (titles, 6D, Insurance certificates, A.D., living wills, etc.) reduces call volume, printing and distribution costs; Customized application design reinforces internal work flow and “best practices”; Universal logins for on-call staff and hand-held compatible interfaces ensure that employees always have the data they need;
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC All of the above features work together to create a net of services and information that make your company indispensable to your clients. Your competitors do not offer comparable services; With each use you clients are tied more tightly to your company and your network of vendors; Client Retention
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC The PTI administration tools are as customized for you as the web-portal is for your clients. Most site content in maintained and updated as a by product of employees daily activity. Data linkages across departments and divisions allows for distributed maintenance and minimally impacts any employees duties. Additional customization and site maintenance can be performed on the fly – clients get new content immediately; PTI provides custom reports and ad hoc reporting capabilities; The Back End
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC How We Do It A comprehensive business, data, and needs analysis is always the first step in a PTI Web Suite installation. The modular design of the PTI Web Suite allows you to implement only those features necessary to eliminate gaps or redundancies in processes, services, or computing as identified in the above analysis PTI provides the tools you need to fully customize and integrate your data on an ongoing basis; PTI DB Dept. 1 Dept. 2 Dept. 3 Dept. 4 PTI’s expertise enables us to integrate systems and functionality seamlessly into your company’s work-flow. Features are added and clients brought into the loop with minimal changes to employee processes or responsibilities
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Process Analysis Thorough process analysis and mapping tasks to data changes allows us to reinforce your business rules and process and streamline department handoffs.
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Modular Design and Sys/Int The Modular design and integration architecture allows us to integrate functionality into existing work platforms as well develop entirely customized interfaces.
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC The State of the Art
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC State of the Industry Talk about the different markets The idea that service industries have struggled to make use of new technologies Most “Property Web-Sites” are brochure-ware, some document management, or a calendar of events. There is little or no integration of data common to both client and company or even between departments within the company. PTI uses an integrated data philosophy for business operations with a “need-to-know” philosophy for interface design. Data is stored in one virtual place i.e. database linking.
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Advantages of web-based software Web-based applications have a much shorter development cycle, faster and less expensive distribution, and far greater flexibility. As a client, this means lower costs, both up-front and long term, a higher degree of customization, and unmatched scalability. The Resident and Board modules in the PTI Web Suite create a new level of client service and can automate standard communications. Web-based technologies eliminate the need for continual, expensive upgrades to hardware and software. By providing your employees with web based management applications client web sites access up-to-the-minute information without any extra steps, staff, or costs to you.
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC How PTI Saves You Money A comprehensive business analysis is always the first step in a PTI Web Suite installation The Resident and Board modules in the PTI Web Suite create an new level of client service
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC How PTI Makes You Money Move vendors from “Payables” to the “Receivables” The Resident and Board modules in the PTI Web Suite create an new level of client service
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC How PTI Makes You Competitive A comprehensive business analysis is always the first step in a PTI Web Suite installation The Resident and Board modules in the PTI Web Suite create an new level of client service
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC Financial Integration Turn payables into receivables Integrating your mortgage products, vendor services, and billing operations builds summary
Grow your business... Protect their investment. Index © Property Technologies International, LLC PTI + FKs Dept. 1 Dept. 2 Dept. 3 Dept. 4