Gifted Services Information Night: Overview of Gifted Services at Long Branch Alexandra Colello Resource Teacher for the Gifted Long Branch Elementary School October 16, 2014
Question Cards Do you have a specific question? Do you have a specific question? Please write your question (s) Please write your question (s) Your name Your name Your child’s name Your child’s name Your contact information Your contact information The best time for me to contact you The best time for me to contact you
Agenda Overview of RTG responsibilities Overview of RTG responsibilities Differentiation for Gifted Students Differentiation for Gifted Students Gifted Services at Long Branch Gifted Services at Long Branch Communication Communication Resources and Contact Information Resources and Contact Information February 5, 2015: Gifted Identification Timeline and Process Information Night
APS Gifted Services Identify students who require gifted services Identify students who require gifted services Train teachers in ways to provide services Train teachers in ways to provide services Establish continuous educational services to match the needs of gifted learners Establish continuous educational services to match the needs of gifted learners Support differentiated instruction to meet the needs of gifted students Support differentiated instruction to meet the needs of gifted students APS Local Plan for the Gifted
APS Gifted Services APS Gifted Services are based on the following concepts: Giftedness is developmental; it is potential which must be nourished Giftedness is developmental; it is potential which must be nourished Gifted students share some characteristics with all other children Gifted students share some characteristics with all other children There is variability among the gifted There is variability among the gifted APS Local Plan for the Gifted
RTG Professional Responsibilities Promote differentiation strategies in the classroom Promote differentiation strategies in the classroom Provide extensions and supplemental resources for teachers Provide extensions and supplemental resources for teachers Model instructional strategies Model instructional strategies Inform staff about gifted education training opportunities Inform staff about gifted education training opportunities Facilitate the identification process Facilitate the identification process
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Four Key Questions Focus Us on Learning #1 What is it we expect our students to learn? #2 How will we know when they have learned it? #3 How will we provide time and support when they don’t learn it? #4 How will we expand learning when they already know it or learn it quickly?
Collaborative Resource Model Some aspects of the model are in transition Emphasis on collaboration, co-teaching, and instructional coaching Less isolated pull-out and more integrated teaching Some aspects of the model remain the same Support for gifted students continues to be to a model that is provided primarily through in-class differentiation Teaching continues to include collaboration between the RTG and your child's teacher. Our goal is to focus on providing richer and deeper opportunities that will result in learning and progress throughout the year.
Differentiation in the Classroom Differentiated Instruction provides multiple approaches to content, process and product. Teachers can differentiate… Content: what students learn Examples: supplementary curriculum, extensions Process: how students go about making sense of ideas and information Examples: activity, opportunities to apply information or ideas Product: how students demonstrate what they have learned Examples: portfolio, exhibition, project, etc. Tomlinson, Carol. Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom. ASCD, 2003.
Differentiation for Gifted Students Differentiation Strategy What it looks like in the classroom General Examples Specific Examples ProcessProviding students with different ways to interact with content -activity -use of curriculum designed for high ability learners -integrating lessons and activities from Project M3:Factors, Multiples and Leftovers as a way for high ability learners to learn GCF and LCM ProductProviding options for demonstrating their learning -choice board -tic-tac-toe menu To show an understanding of the different regions of Virginia students can create a project of their choice (ie: artwork, piece of writing, performance, etc.) ContentContent typically is differentiated when a student has already mastered grade level standards for a particular unit or topic. -standard extension -enrichment project -extending the grade 5 order of operations standard to include parentheses and exponents
Classroom Support At the Elementary School level, APS identifies students for gifted services in grades K-5 RTG collaborates with classroom teachers to support and enrich the general education curriculum for identified students Support may look different in the various grade levels depending on teacher and student needs
Gifted Services: Grade 1 SubjectRTG Support English (Language Arts) -Weekly small group instruction for identified students Math-Weekly small group instruction for identified students Planning and Collaboration -Provide extensions and supplemental materials for teachers Critical and Creative Thinking Strategies -Model critical and creative thinking strategies in all first grade classrooms on a rotating basis
Curriculum Resources- Grade 1 Gifted book units Gifted book units Jacob’s Ladder Jacob’s Ladder William and Mary Literature Unit: Beyond Words (part 1) William and Mary Literature Unit: Beyond Words (part 1) Number Sense Number Sense Nimble with Numbers Nimble with Numbers Project M2 Units Project M2 Units Groundworks: Algebraic Thinking Groundworks: Algebraic Thinking Project Clarion: Science/Math units Project Clarion: Science/Math units Exemplars Exemplars Math Extension Menus Math Extension Menus
Gifted Services: Grade 2 SubjectRTG Support English (Language Arts) -Weekly classroom support focused on differentiated instruction for identified students Math-Weekly small group instruction for identified students Social Studies and Science -Plan for classroom differentiation with teachers Planning and Collaboration -Attend weekly PLC meeting -Provide extensions and supplemental materials for teachers -Model critical and creative thinking strategies in all second grade classrooms on a rotating basis
Curriculum Resources- Grade 2 Gifted book units Gifted book units Jacob’s Ladder Jacob’s Ladder William and Mary Literature Unit: Beyond Words (part 2) William and Mary Literature Unit: Beyond Words (part 2) Project M2 Units Project M2 Units Project M3 Units Project M3 Units Number Sense Number Sense Nimble with Numbers Nimble with Numbers Project Clarion: Science and Math Units Project Clarion: Science and Math Units Groundworks: Algebraic Thinking Groundworks: Algebraic Thinking Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Exemplars Exemplars Math Extension Menus Math Extension Menus
Gifted Services: Grade 3 SubjectRTG Support English (Language Arts) -Weekly small group instruction for identified students Math-Weekly classroom support focused on differentiated instruction for identified students Social Studies and Science -Plan for classroom differentiation with teachers Planning and Collaboration -Attend weekly PLC meeting -Provide extensions and supplemental materials for teachers -Model creative and critical thinking strategies
Curriculum Resources- Grade 3 Gifted book units Gifted book units William and Mary Literature Unit: Literary Reflections, Journeys and Destinations William and Mary Literature Unit: Literary Reflections, Journeys and Destinations Project M3 units Project M3 units Groundworks Groundworks Math Discoveries Math Discoveries Think Fun: Math Dice Think Fun: Math Dice Number Sense Number Sense Nimble with Numbers Nimble with Numbers Project Clarion: Math and Science units Project Clarion: Math and Science units Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Exemplars Exemplars Math Extension Menus Math Extension Menus SEM-R resources (higher order questioning cards) SEM-R resources (higher order questioning cards) Jacob’s Ladder Jacob’s Ladder
Gifted Services: Grade 4 SubjectRTG Support English (Language Arts) -Weekly classroom support focused on differentiated instruction for identified students Math-Weekly classroom support focused on differentiated instruction for identified students Social Studies and Science -Plan for classroom differentiation with teachers Planning and Collaboration -Attend weekly PLC meeting -Provide extensions and supplemental materials for teachers -Model critical and creative thinking strategies
Curriculum Resources- Grade 4 Gifted book units Gifted book units William and Mary Literature Unit: Patterns of Change William and Mary Literature Unit: Patterns of Change Project M3 units Project M3 units GEMS Units GEMS Units Groundworks Groundworks Math Discoveries Math Discoveries Number Sense Number Sense Nimble with Numbers Nimble with Numbers Think Fun: Math Dice Think Fun: Math Dice Project Clarion: Math and Science units Project Clarion: Math and Science units Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Exemplars Exemplars Math Extension Menus Math Extension Menus SEM-R Resources SEM-R Resources Jacob’s Ladder Jacob’s Ladder
Gifted Services: Grade 5 SubjectRTG Support English (Language Arts) -SEM-R Reading Framework -Weekly classroom support for SEM-R individual conferences Math-Weekly classroom support focused on differentiated instruction for identified students Social Studies and Science -Plan for classroom differentiation with teachers Planning and Collaboration -Attend weekly PLC meeting -Provide extensions and supplemental materials for teachers -Model critical and creative thinking strategies
Curriculum Resources- Grade 5 Gifted book units Gifted book units William and Mary Literature Unit: Autobiographies William and Mary Literature Unit: Autobiographies Project M3 Units Project M3 Units Groundworks Groundworks Math Discoveries Math Discoveries Number Sense Number Sense Nimble with Numbers Nimble with Numbers Project Clarion: Math and Science units Project Clarion: Math and Science units Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Continental Math League Challenges (CML) Exemplars Exemplars Math Extension Menus Math Extension Menus Math Dice Math Dice SEM-R Resources SEM-R Resources Jacob’s Ladder Jacob’s Ladder
Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Big Ideas Overarching Concepts: Change, Patterns, Systems, Perspectives, Cause/Effect, Cycles Taba Concept Development Critical Thinking Teaching Models Frayer Model, Future Problem Solving, Hamburger Model of Persuasive Writing, Jacob’s Ladder, Literature Web, Paul’s Elements of Reasoning, Research Model, Vocabulary Web Creative Thinking SCAMPER, FFOE (Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration), Creative Problem Solving Decisions and Outcomes PMI, Ethical Thinking (6-12), Habits of Mind, Problem Based Learning, Project Based Learning Making Connections Mind-Mapping, Visualization, Analogies, Synectics Point of View (Different Perspectives) DeBono’s Hats, Debates, RAFT, Socratic Seminar, Junior Great Books, Structured Academic Controversy Questioning Bloom’s Taxonomy, Levels of Questioning
Communication Differentiation Record Form Differentiation Record Form Quarterly report to parents for identified students in grades K-5 Quarterly report to parents for identified students in grades K-5 Documents differentiation in the general education classroom Documents differentiation in the general education classroom Collaboration between RTG and Classroom Teacher Collaboration between RTG and Classroom Teacher
Differentiated Instruction Record Form
Getting Connected: APS Gifted Services Sign up Twitter APS Gifted Services Website Cheryl McCullough, Supervisor, Gifted Services at or
Parent Resources Virginia Association for the Gifted (VAG) National Association for the Gifted (NAGC) Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Contact Information Alexandra Colello Resource Teacher for the Gifted Phone: (703) Cheryl McCullough Supervisor of Gifted Services Phone: (703)
Thank you for joining us! Question Cards Do you have a specific question? Do you have a specific question? Please write your question (s) Please write your question (s) Your name Your name Your child’s name Your child’s name Your contact information Your contact information The best time for me to contact you The best time for me to contact you