Present the business model for your case The customers and the competitors of your organization What the organization has to offer ( products and services) Structure of the organization by indentifying the activities in the organisation Resources and the link to external sources Follow the 5 layered Business Model Business Analysis
Market level – customers and competition Customers : who are ? Competitors : who are ? Offering level Product : what products are offered ? Service: offered services ? Activities and Organization Primary activities : see value chain Support activities : see value chain Organization structure : 6 elements
Ressources Strategic Resources Critical resources to the future Human resources Financial resources Technological resources Market level – factor markets and production input
6-4 What is a Business Model?
6-5 Market /Industry Customers –Are long term or short term –How does the firm cooperate with the customer? –Do they share knowledge ? Or just simply transaction of goods and services for money ? Competitors –Existing competitors identified and understood. –Competitors may be suppliers of substitute product –Business model describe how most important and competitors affect the business.
6-6 Market /Industry Competitors : factors affecting the business Scale and size Product range and innovation Degree of differentiation Cost structure. Location Value chain configuration Organizational structure Ability to switch costs
14-7 Porter’s five forces model
6-8 Offerings Service or physical product offered at a certain cost. Should understand the function of product and service : which customer´s need is going to fulfill or could fulfill? Ex: A car may satisfy transport needs but it may satisfy the needs of people to be identified in a certain way.
Services vs Product Product are easy to define Services are reffered to as work achievement to solve a problem for the customer –Mending a broken bicycle –Serving a meal Services are immaterial, cannot be resold or stored Require interraction buyer-seller
Activities and flow of activities Producing offering requires activities. Chain of internalized activities should be addressed
Organization Division of labors How work is divided between departments and individual within department as well. Should each dep specialise on a specific task or should generally competent to conduct any task. Should be based on the input ( competence) or on the objective of the task ( product)
Organization Division of responsabilities –Vertical dimension of the organization –How many hierarchical level are there between the executive and operative staff? –What is in the manager´s responsibility?
Ressources and competencies Strategic and potentially strategic ressources should be identified and their values assessed as well as their interrelations. Types of ressources : Physical Financial Human Organizational Tangible and intangible
What Is Organizational Structure? Organizational Structure – How job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated – Key Elements addressed by manager in designing organization´s structure: 1.Work specialization 2.Departmentalization 3.Chain of command 4.Span of control 5.Centralization and decentralization 6.Formalization 15-14
Factor markets and suppliers Understand the origin of resources Understand supplier and the relations with them and factor conditions. Sources : able to access to labor and skills –Source component from trustworthy supplier –Access core of labor highly skilled, able to learn and stay with for a long time(relocation of computer programming to India) Reliable supplier Preventing dependency on supplier while keeping close productive relationship.
Factor markets and suppliers Good relation stimulate learning and knowledge sharing buyer-supplier. BUT, supplier could recognize the value of its input and raise the price. Able to access capital (funding) A marketplace where factors of production such as labor, capital, and resources are purchased and sold.
It and business model IT is a ressource ( people, knowledge, organizational structure and culture, production technology and control systems. IT consists consists of : Information technology (computers, software and information systems) Communication technology ( computer network. Telephone..etc ) It help people, business and organizations in communicating and processing data. It is a ressource to be used by people and other resources interdepenedent with the market, activities, offerings and the factor market. So IT affcets other parts of the businessmodel and vis versa