The Medieval Church The Age of Faith
I. Church in the Middle Ages A. Europe’s “Age of Faith” B. Western Church 1. Headed by the pope 2. Becomes the Roman Catholic Church C. Will rule Western Europe
II. Church Hierarchy A. Pope 1. Spiritual Leader of the Roman Catholic Church 2. Ruled the Papal States 3. Claimed authority over secular rulers (e.g. Charlemagne crowned by Pope Leo III) 4. High Church Officials – usually nobles
Hierarchy Cont. B. Archbishops 1. Supervised Bishops C. Bishops 1. Supervised priests 2. Settled disputes over church teachings and religious practices
Hierarchy Cont. D. Priests 1. Administered the sacraments 2. Gave advice 3. Taught rules of right and wrong 4. Helped the sick and needy
1. Withdrew from the secular world, dedicated to serving God, prayer and good works a) Lived in monasteries or convents b) Taught skills: carpentry, weaving c) Set up hospitals 2. Benedictine Rule a) Vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience b) Life of worship, work, study E. Monks and Nuns
Monks & Nuns Cont. 3. Services – health care, education, hospitality 4. Preserved writings by copying manuscripts
III. Life in the Church A. Parish Priest – served in local area 1. Main contact with Church 2. Offered preaching, guidance, aid to sick and needy B. Church was the social center, part of everyday life
Life in the Church Cont. C. Tithe 1. Required to pay 10% of earnings to the Church 2. Would use to support the Church 3. Also to help the poor
Life in the Church Cont. D. Women and the Church 1. Men and women equal before God 2. But, on earth, women were seen as inferior 3. Church tried to protect women E. Church punished women harshly
Life in the Church Cont. F. Life for the Jews 1. Lived throughout Europe 2. Christians and Jews tolerated by Muslims in Spain 3. Eventually, Jews were persecuted by the Church a) blamed for Jesus’ death b) forbidden to own land and hold good jobs c) blamed for social ills (plague)
IV. Church Power A. Church had its own laws and courts 1. Canon Law – laws of the Church; applied to marriage/morals/teachings 2. Sacraments – sacred rituals of the church B. Church decided who could take sacraments 1. Severe penalties for disobedience a) Excommunication: banishment from the church b) Interdict: when sacraments and religious services were banned in a territory
The Excommunication of Robert the Pious
Church Power Cont. C. Church Rulers and Secular Rulers strongly linked 1. Can you think of an example? a) pope crowning secular rulers; “Holy Roman Emperor” 2. As the church gained power and wealth, it lost discipline
V. Church Reforms A. Pope Gregory VII 1. Outlawed priests from marrying 2. Ended simony (the sale of Church offices) 3. Called for renewal of faith 4. Said that the Church, not the nobility, will choose Church officials