WG1, Hannover, Jan Commissioning progress at GEO600 Martin Hewitson for the GEO team
WG1, Hannover, Jan Overview - plans Ended full-time S5 15 Oct 2006 Back to commissioning, overnight/weekend modeBack to commissioning, overnight/weekend mode Planned work: Investigation periodInvestigation period Power measurements, simulation improvements, etc ESD AA for MIDESD AA for MID Improve clean-room cleanlinessImprove clean-room cleanliness New HEPA filters for AC Fix various mains problemsFix various mains problems Filtering, ground loops, PE to neutral connections Open central clusterOpen central cluster Exchange HV feedthroughs for ESDs (corroded) Reposition beam block (scattering suspected)
WG1, Hannover, Jan Since the last meeting… Investigations: Power build-upPower build-up Power increase - instability, PUGsPower increase - instability, PUGs ‘Ripple’ noise‘Ripple’ noise Commissioning: MID AA ESDsMID AA ESDs SR longitudinal loopSR longitudinal loop Problems: Significant series of power failuresSignificant series of power failures
WG1, Hannover, Jan Not in this talk Power up stability, glitches Detector not stable with full available input powerDetector not stable with full available input power HOT TOPIC Also observed large glitches in the past when at full powerAlso observed large glitches in the past when at full power Not observed recently so hard to investigate Ripple noise investigations See Josh’s talkSee Josh’s talk
WG1, Hannover, Jan Running performance Post S5 running Power cut
WG1, Hannover, Jan PR build-up Two reliable methods used to determine factor: PR cavity polePR cavity pole Direct measurement of power reflected from BS AR coatingDirect measurement of power reflected from BS AR coating Additional measurements of power transmitted at end mirrors Less reliable due to low light levelsLess reliable due to low light levels
WG1, Hannover, Jan PR cavity pole Measurements of PR cavity pole give
WG1, Hannover, Jan PR build-up - Summary PR pole and BS-AR measurements agree within 10% Yield a build-up factor of Yield a build-up factor of Transmission at MFe gives build-up factor of 1410 (less confidence) Can be explained by ppm/mirror
WG1, Hannover, Jan Site Power Failure - 02/12/06 3 power failures of increasing duration - last one around 40 minutes Various systems damaged MC turbo pump, computers, ESDsMC turbo pump, computers, ESDs North ESD damaged 2 pairs of wires shorted inside vacuum2 pairs of wires shorted inside vacuum Diagnosed by current-limit of HVA Some external rewiring to bypass the problem Still less actuation after repairStill less actuation after repair 35% less on North drive, 65% less on East drive All quadrants on East are working What else? Charges on test-mass counter-act the dielectric effect of ESD which means less force
WG1, Hannover, Jan Charges on East test-mass Lock with north only Drive East drive with varying bias plus fixed ac (calibration) line Measure line height in MID error-point For un-charged test-mass line height should be zero for zero bias
WG1, Hannover, Jan
WG1, Hannover, Jan Attempts to discharge UV attack Shine UV into TCeShine UV into TCe Knock of electrons from metal-work neutralize test-massneutralize test-mass Venting central cluster with argon Vented to 1mbarVented to 1mbar failed failed
WG1, Hannover, Jan Going on after power cut Decide to stick with lower strength ESDs for now since we want to open vacuum anyway soon Calibration adjusted to give old sensitivty Checked with PPDChecked with PPD Loop gains adjusted for this state So far seems not to cause too much trouble for locking
WG1, Hannover, Jan Improving SR long lock Motivation: Want to try PRAA for higher powerWant to try PRAA for higher power PR long noise couples to SR cavity Want more SR long gainWant more SR long gain Current SR long state: Loop bandwidth is limited by how much feedback noise we can tolerateLoop bandwidth is limited by how much feedback noise we can tolerate Feedback is shot-noise above 100HzFeedback is shot-noise above 100Hz Previously using the AA quadrant diode for long error- signalPreviously using the AA quadrant diode for long error- signal Installed SED resonant for 9MHzInstalled SED resonant for 9MHz Expect x2 lower shot-noise Motivation: Want to try PRAA for higher powerWant to try PRAA for higher power PR long noise couples to SR cavity Want more SR long gainWant more SR long gain Current SR long state: Loop bandwidth is limited by how much feedback noise we can tolerateLoop bandwidth is limited by how much feedback noise we can tolerate Feedback is shot-noise above 100HzFeedback is shot-noise above 100Hz Previously using the AA quadrant diode for long error- signalPreviously using the AA quadrant diode for long error- signal Installed SED resonant for 9MHzInstalled SED resonant for 9MHz Expect x2 lower shot-noise
WG1, Hannover, Jan Further improvements Noticed coherence through dSPACE is not 1 Limited by DAC noise First tried flat gain factor for feedbackFirst tried flat gain factor for feedback Then added whitening at feedback outputThen added whitening at feedback output
WG1, Hannover, Jan Using new SED for SR long Lowers MSR feedback projection to H We can use this gain to improve the control loopWe can use this gain to improve the control loop
WG1, Hannover, Jan New SR run-loop Relax feedback low- pass filtering allows more low-frequency gain for similar loop- stability margins
WG1, Hannover, Jan Cleaning up the clean-room Additional HEPA filters installed for AC system We have additional particle leak from pump-room due to over-pressure there
WG1, Hannover, Jan Coming up Opening vacuum system Reposition beam dump(s) and install translation stage(s)Reposition beam dump(s) and install translation stage(s) Repair ESDsRepair ESDs Fix wiring and install new HV feedthroughs Improvement of air-conditioning system HEPA filters in clean room [done]HEPA filters in clean room [done] Continue work on power increase Continue commissioning of MID ESD AA