Public Opinion Socialization Voting Media VocabMisc
Team 1Team 2 Team 3 CATEGORIES
A 100 Individuals of which party are more likely to vote?
A 100 Republican
A 200 % of American Voters who actually vote in presidential election years?
% A 200
A 300 Factor that determines the likelihood of a person to participate in politics
A 300 Education
A 400 The only group in America today that is not allowed to vote (Age is not an answer)
A 400 Prisoners
A 500 Correct historical sequence of expanding voting rights
A Universal male suffrage 2.Black Suffrage 3.Female Suffrage Suffrage
B 100 Which president won the election despite the fact that Gallop polls predicted he would lose?
B 100 Truman
B 200 All national government institutions sponsor national public opinion polls EXCEPT
B 200 The Supreme Court
B 300 Everyone should have an equal probability of being selected for a sample
B 300 Random Sampling
B 400 Three criticisms of Public Opinion Polling
B Politicians follow instead of lead 2.Weakens democracy- distorts election process – Bandwagon 3.Bradley effect 4.Others
B benefits to Polling
B Help candidates detect public preferences 2.Voice for the people 3.More democratic society 4.More participation in the political process 5.Other possible answers
C 100 Political values are passed to the next generation
C 100 Political Socialization
C 200 Belief that one man can make a difference in politics by expressing an opinion and acting politically
Political Efficacy C 200
C 300 In which country do citizens have the highest level of political efficacy?
C 300 The United States
C 400 The most important determinant of an individual’s political party affiliation is
Family C 400
C 500 Explain the role of religion in politics
C 500 Jews are the most liberal, Evangelical Christians are more Conservative
D 100 News source from where most Americans get their political opinions
Television D 100
D 200 The media outlet most controlled by regulations of the federal government
D 200 T.V.
D 300 How does the media play a major role in setting public agenda?
D 300 Deciding how prominently to cover issue related news stories
D 400 What effect did T.V. have on the war in Vietnam and what did it do for our level of trust in our government?
1.Brought the war into our living rooms 2.Showed lying politicians 3.Reality v. Perception Trust in government went down! D 400
D 500 Discuss the 7 principles of news management used by the Reagan administration
D Plan ahead 2.Stay offensive 3.Control flow of information 4.Limit reporters access 5.Talk about what you want to talk about 6.Speak in 1 voice 7.Repeat, repeat, repeat
E 100 Created to Increase voter registration, complete 2 activities at one place, hope to increase young voter registration
E 100 Motor Voter laws
E 200 Voting places randomly selected; ask every tenth voter how they just voted
Exit Polls E 200
E 300 Federal $$$ to help states update their voting equipment; came as a result of 2000 election
E 300 Help America Vote Act 2002
E 400 Shared beliefs and values that a citizenry has within a country
E 400 Political Culture
E 500 Purposely staged events for the media that look spontaneous
E 500 Media Events
F 100 Which group has the highest percentage of the voting age population that is registered to vote?
F 100 White Anglos
F 200 Most common political activity
F 200 Voting
F 300 The most important predictor of voter choices
F 300 Party Identification
F 400 Describe the relationship between socioeconomic status and participation in the political process
F 400 Higher the socioeconomic status, the more likely to participate in the political process
F 500 How does minority group status affect political participation?
F 500 African Americans are more likely to participate in Politics, group consciousness gives incentive to vote
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Final Jeopardy Question Click on screen to continue What is the relationship between social class and political attitudes (liberal v. Conservative)
Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Scores High social class status usually implies a conservative view, however when high levels or education are there, there is a liberalizing effect