doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 1 TGn Opening Report Nov /1218 r1 Bruce Kraemer, Chair Garth Hillman, Secretary
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 2 Administrative Intro
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 3 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of essential patents and patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either: a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – May 2004 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards 1.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 4 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 5 Attendance & Voting Status Use 802wirelessworld to register attendance If you encounter Attendance Issues during the session send an to Harry Worstell – – Questions on Voting status – see Harry Worstell – – Make sure your badges are correct
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide Agenda – November ‘04
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 7 Quick Review
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 8 September Summary Good news 32 presentations completed Because the presentations did not fill every available meeting minute there was adequate time to caucus and, at least tentatively, explore possible mergers which would result in new completes or revised completes. Bad News Complete presentations did not have adequate time to present or answer audience questions. Not enough time to conduct panel discussion or additional selection steps. Not known how many completes will exist in November
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 9 September Minutes 04/0983r3
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 10 Approve Minutes Motion to approve minutes of the September session contained in document r3 Move: Second:
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 11 Plan for the Week
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 12 TGn - November Schedule Time MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00-10:00 2 10:30-12:30 4 1:30-3:30 :00-6:00 :30-9:30 10 Primary Activities: Presentations, Q&A, Low hurdle vote Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 19 Meeting Room: Regency Center 1 st session only then - Gonzales Convention Center C
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 13 Lunch Options Breaks will be supplied as usual. There are a couple small shops inside the convention center There is a Tower of the Americas top restaurant immediately south. Marriott is immediately north across Market street. River center mall is just north of the Marriott. Hilton is at the west end of the Convention center across Alamo St How many would be interested in a box lunch, for purchase, brought to the conference room? [Tuesday only] –Topic will be reviewed again before 10:00 break.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 14 November Agenda Logic Sequence of events –Dispose of administrative affairs –Review partial proposals and conduct Q&A panel Submitted questions first –Receive technical papers submitted to facilitate comparison –Review complete proposals and conduct Q&A More than one round –Hold panel discussion –Conduct low hurdle vote –Discuss January plans in some detail before session close –Any remaining presentations
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 15 TGn - November Schedule Time MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday 8:00-10:00 Intro Partials - Summaries.19 liaison 10:30-12:30 Partials – Q&A Panel 1:30-3:30 Comparison Presentations Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Final panel Low Hurdle Vote 4:00-6:00 Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Complete proposals Q&A Panel Plans for January Other Presentations 7:30-9:30 Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Primary Activities for November: Presentations, Q&A, Low hurdle vote Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Meeting Room: Regency Center
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 16
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 17 Partial Proposal questions Submitted by Joseph Levy –Questions for: –ETRI, Icefyre, Infocomm, Motorola, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, ST Micro Pratik Mehta –Questions for: –All Process: We will cycle thru the authors of questions. Each will select from their list the next question they would like to ask and indicate to whom the question is being directed. Upon completion, but within the 2 hour time slot, we will open the floor for additional questions.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 18 Comparison Presentations 04/1400 r4 John Egan, Rodger Tseng, Albert Liu : Infineon
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 19 Complete Proposals – Presentation and Q&A Process Each of the four proposals will be provided 1 hour blocks 1 st block primarily presentation Second and subsequent 1 hour blocks: presentation as needed then extended Q&A Rounds limited to time available Tuesday and Wednesday.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 20 Complete Proposal – Document updates xxx
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 21 Complete Proposal – Questions Submitted by Pratik Mehta –All Joseph Levy –TGnSync, WWISE, Qualcomm Chris Hansen –TGnSync Paul Feinberg –WWISE Process: One Author group will be on stage at a time. We will cycle thru the authors of questions. Each will select from their list the next question they would like to ask. Upon completion we will open the floor for additional questions.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide r9 extract 12. Presenters of each complete proposal shall be given the opportunity to make a final 5 minute statement to the group advocating their proposals just before the down selection voting starts. An elimination vote shall then be taken to remove proposals having little support within the task group. Each voting member shall cast a single ballot and vote to further consider or not to consider each individual proposal. The task group shall eliminate from consideration all proposals that do not obtain at least 25% support of the ballots cast. In the sample ballot shown below, a single registered voter has voted for Proposals A, B, and C to continue to be under consideration and Proposals D and E to no longer be under consideration. Note: One vote per column per voter is required for a valid ballot
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 23 Low Hurdle Vote Schedule How best to schedule? –Occurs after completion of presentation, Q&A and panel steps for complete proposals –Could be placed on agenda as general order or special order –General order, we vote when prior business completed –Special order, we vote at a specified time –Chair Recommendation: Fix time on Thursday
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 24 Low Hurdle vote - Poll Straw poll Should TGn set the final panel presentation and low hurdle ballot as a special order event on 1:30 pm Thursday Nov 18? –Yes, make it a special order agenda item –No, make it a general order agenda item
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 25 Low Hurdle vote - Poll Straw poll In favor of simple tally letter ballot 62 In favor of a recorded letter ballot 50
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 26 Low Hurdle Vote Process Low hurdle vote –Paper ballot will be used –one issued to each voting member who wishes to vote –handed out in room at start of ballot process Name checked against voters list Returned votes checked again Chair recommends that simple tally is recorded and reported e.g. for a 100 member body The preparation and processing time for a roll call vote is significantly greater than that for a simple tally. The officers need to prepare agenda time and staff support accordingly. Alternatively, for a roll call vote, the contents of each ballot will be recorded for each voter and the results posted as an Excel spreadsheet.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 27 Selection Procedure 0665r9 Step 12 (whole text part 1) Presenters of each complete proposal shall be given the opportunity to make a final 5 minute statement to the group advocating their proposals just before the down selection voting starts. An elimination vote shall then be taken to remove proposals having little support within the task group. Each voting member shall cast a single ballot and vote to further consider or not to consider each individual proposal. The task group shall eliminate from consideration all proposals that do not obtain at least 25% support of the ballots cast.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 28 Selection Procedure 0665r9 Step 12 This is what your ballot looks like Fill in your name Mark either “consider” or “not consider” for each Proposal One vote per column per voter is required for a valid ballot Vote Type Consider Not Consider Voting Member Name: ______________________________ Proposal MITMOT Proposal TGnSync Proposal WWISE Proposal Qualcomm If you hand in a ballot and we detect a mistake we will attempt to notify you. If you are not in the room your ballot will be invalidated.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 29 Low Hurdle Vote Procedure from doc.: IEEE /665r9 Step 12: Presenters of each complete proposal shall be given the opportunity to make a final 5 minute statement to the group advocating their proposals just before the down selection voting starts. An elimination vote shall then be taken to remove proposals having little support within the task group. Each voting member shall cast a single ballot and vote to further consider or not to consider each individual proposal. The task group shall eliminate from consideration all proposals that do not obtain at least 25% support of the ballots cast. Note: One vote per column per voter is required for a valid ballot.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 30 Approve Agenda Motion to approve agenda as contained on previous slide using a special order for the Low hurdle vote at 2:15 Thursday And One hour time slots for each completes 99/0/0
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 31 TGn - November Approved Agenda Time MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday 8:00-10:00 Intro Partials - Summaries.19 liaison 10:30-12:30 Partials – Q&A Panel 1:30-3:30 Comparison Presentations MITMOT Presentations + Q&A TGnSync WWISE Presentations + Q&A Final comments Low Hurdle Vote 4:00-6:00 TGnSync WWISE Presentations + Q&A Qualcomm Presentations + Q&A Final Panel 1 Hr Plans for January Other Presentations 7:30-9:30 Qualcomm MITMOT Presentations + Q&A Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Meeting Room: Regency Center Tues am only All other sessions in Gonzalez convention Center “C” Special Order 2:15 pm
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 32 Thursday TGn Convenes at 1:30
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 33 TGn - November Schedule Time MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday 8:00-10:00 Intro Partials - Summaries.19 liaison 10:30-12:30 Partials – Q&A Panel 1:30-3:30 Comparison Presentations Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Final comments Low Hurdle Vote 4:00-6:00 Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Final Panel 1 Hr Plans for January Other Presentations 7:30-9:30 Complete proposals Presentations + Q&A Primary Activities for November: Presentations, Q&A, Low hurdle vote Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Meeting Room: Regency Center Tues am only All other sessions in Gonzalez onvention Center “c” Special Order
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 34 Summary Statements 5 minutes each MITMOT TGnSync WWISE Qualcomm
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 35 Low Hurdle Vote Starts at 2:15
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 36 Upper Portion of Ballot November IEEE TGn Low Hurdle Ballot Procedure from doc.: IEEE /665r9 Step 12: Presenters of each complete proposal shall be given the opportunity to make a final 5 minute statement to the group advocating their proposals just before the down selection voting starts. An elimination vote shall then be taken to remove proposals having little support within the task group. Each voting member shall cast a single ballot and vote to further consider or not to consider each individual proposal. The task group shall eliminate from consideration all proposals that do not obtain at least 25% support of the ballots cast. Note: One vote per column per voter is required for a valid ballot.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 37 Lower Portion of Ballot One vote per column per voter is required for a valid ballot Vote Type Consider Not Consider Proposal MITMOT Proposal TGnSync Proposal WWiSE Proposal Qualcomm PRINT Voting Member Name: ______________________________
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 38 Voting Process Tally and Process Assistance from WG chairs Groups of voters called by first letter of Last Name = Family Name –Come to the front of the room to collect paper ballot –We will record that you have taken a paper ballot Voting member fills it in and folds –Return to the second table –We will record that you have returned a paper ballot –Place paper ballot in box at front Paper ballots will be taken to a quiet place for tally
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 39 Tally Results Upon collection of all ballots TGn will move to recess until 4pm. Tally results will be brought back to the room for beginning of 4:00 session.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 40 Tally Results If detailed voter tally is needed, spreadsheet version will be posted to private IEEE website in pdf format as soon as it has been adequately validated. Availability will be announced via reflector.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 41 Roll Call Voting
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 42 Roll Call Voting Like any procedural issue, request can be posed by any voting member. Request then requires approval by members but not the usual 50% or 75%
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 43 Roll Call Voting – LMSC Procedure QUOTE FROM 802 LMSC P&P – Revised July 16th, Roll Call Votes A roll call vote may be held at the discretion of the chair. A roll call vote may be called for by any member of the group, without obtaining the floor, at any time after the question has been put, even after the vote has been announced and another has the floor and it is called for before another motion has been made. The call does not require a second, and cannot be debated, amended, or have any other subsidiary motion applied to it. Upon a call for a roll call vote, the chair shall proceed according to these three options. 1. The chair may hold the vote 2. The chair may hold a vote on the question of whether to hold a roll call vote. This vote must achieve greater than 25% of the members voting Yes to pass. The 25% is counted by dividing the count of Yes votes by the sum of the Yes and No votes. This vote is not subject to a roll call vote. 3. The chair may refuse the request for a roll call vote if this privilege is being abused by members repeatedly calling for a roll call vote. The chair shall allow both the majority and minority reasonable and fair use of the roll call vote. Each roll call vote and call for a roll call vote shall be recorded in minutes of the meeting. For each roll call vote, the minutes shall include each member’s name, their vote and the final result of the vote. For each call for a roll call vote, the minutes shall include: i. The name of the requestor of the roll call vote. ii. The decision of the chair on the request and, when applicable, the results of the vote on whether to hold the roll call or the reasons of the chair for denying the roll call vote END of QUOTE FROM 802 LMSC P&P – Revised July 16th,
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 44 Roll Call Voting – TGn Procedure Derived from 802 LMSC P&P – Revised July 16th, Roll Call Votes A roll call vote may be held at the discretion of the chair. A roll call vote may be called for by any member of the group, without obtaining the floor, at any time after the question has been put, even after the vote has been announced and another has the floor and it is called for before another motion has been made. The call does not require a second, and cannot be debated, amended, or have any other subsidiary motion applied to it. Upon a call for a roll call vote, the chair shall proceed according to the following: The chair will hold a vote on the question of whether to hold a roll call vote. This vote must achieve greater than 25% of the members voting Yes to pass. The 25% is counted by dividing the count of Yes votes by the sum of the Yes and No votes. This vote is not subject to a roll call vote. Each roll call vote and call for a roll call vote shall be recorded in minutes of the meeting. For each roll call vote, the minutes shall include each member’s name, their vote and the final result of the vote. For each call for a roll call vote, the minutes shall include: i. The name of the requestor of the roll call vote. ii. The decision of the chair on the request and, when applicable, the results of the vote on whether to hold the roll call or the reasons of the chair for denying the roll call vote.
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 45 January
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 46 Plans for January Revised technical presentations –Document discipline, posting deadlines –Presentation time –Discussion time and format Additional written questions and Q&A Revised comparison report ( ) –Others? Down select vote Additional technical presentations Xx hours of meeting time
doc.: IEEE /1218r1 Submission November 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMDSlide 47