The T-A-P survey: NGC1333 data Davis, Scholz, Lucas, Smith, Adamson (MNRAS, 387, 954)
Credit: Mike Read 2MASS JHK UKIDSS GPS 3-colour image from the interactive mosaic at WFAU (~1x1 )
Colour-mag diagram for Galactic Centre and Nuclear Bulge fields by Andrew Gosling from Lucas et al.2008 ”The UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey”, MNRAS in press, astro-ph/ The plot combines UKIDSS data (lower part) with 2MASS data (upper part). The sharp drop in source counts at H<12.75 is due to the limited spatial resolution of 2MASS. Large spots are Chandra detections, colour coded by the X-ray hard colour. Sources in the dwarf branch at left mostly have soft colours (e.g. CVs, active stars), while sources at right in the Nuclear Bulge have hard colours (e.g. X-ray binaries).