American Beginnings to 1783 Chapter 1
Key Ideas
Arrival Main migration was years ago –(some historians argue as long as 40,000) Over land bridge ( ) Moved and through Americas following wildlife –12,000 years ago Ice Age animals disappeared turned to smaller game –5,000 years ago animals were domesticated
Bering Land Bridge ( )
Animation of Bering Land Bridge Manley, W.F., 2002, Postglacial Flooding of the Bering Land Bridge: A Geospatial Animation: INSTAAR, University of Colorado, v1,
Migration Across Bering Land Bridge ( ) south and east
5B 29
5B 30
5B 11
Native Culture by 1500’s –(high estimates of 100m) 3-4 m north of Rio Grande Present day US/Canada = –Europe had m –Africa had m –Farming (ex. Pueblos) Irrigation Slash and burn/clearing land –Logging –Architecture Mound builders (ex. Mississippi) –Large mound in MS over 100 ft high, largest earthen structure in world
Mayans in Yucatan Incas in Peru Aztecs in Mesoamerica Amerindians
North American Native Cultures Diverse societies semi-sedentary/semi- nomadic –Mixed economies Farming, hunting, gathering Trade networks –Built villages/towns –Diverse languages –Religious beliefs