Margin of error: +/- 4.3% A Survey of 500 Registered Voters in the State of Oklahoma on the CareerTech System Surveys Conducted May 13-16, 2013 by
Demographics Numbers may not add-up to 100% due to refusals.
How Do You Receive Oklahoma News Numbers may not add-up to 100% due to refusals. Newspaper is a more important source of information in Oklahoma than in other areas of the nation. However, this is the first time we have seen online the equivalent of newspaper in the state. (On this study last year, it was 21% Newspaper; 15% online). We also see a continued slippage of radio as a source.
Frequency Of Listening To Sports Radio Numbers may not add-up to 100% due to refusals.
Attention Paid To Bedlam Numbers may not add-up to 100% due to refusals.
Thunder Games Watched/Attended Numbers may not add-up to 100% due to refusals.
Taken Course at CT? More than a third of Oklahoma voters have had a direct experience with a CareerTech. More than 60% see themselves as having either a personal relationship or a relationship through a family member. We should never forget that we can reach a tremendous number of Oklahomans just by communicating with those being served.
Name awareness of ”CareerTech” has taken a jump this year. 38% Yes vs. 61% No em Heard of CareerTech System
We continue to see that the transformation from “Vo” to “Career” is further along with higher income voters. Heard Of CareerTech System -By Income
Heard of CareerTech System - Participants Earning +80k Measured Over Time
Oklahomans recognize CareerTech almost universally when told it was formerly known as Vo-Tech. 95% Yes vs. 4% No Heard of CareerTech/Vo-Tech
The job performance numbers took another significant jump. (You might recall, in we were seeing a decline in opinion about all government related entities). Notice, very little partisan difference. 28% Excellent vs. 35% Good vs. 7% Only Fair vs. 3% Poor vs. 26% Unable to Rate CareerTech Job Performance
Those getting information from newspapers (a group decreasing in size) gives CT the most positive ratings – though the numbers are stellar regardless of information source. CareerTech Job Performance -By Information Source
Those with a personal experience with CareerTech give it better ratings than those who have not taken a course. CareerTech Job Performance By Personal Experience
While the advertising it is not necessarily the only variable, we do see that those who pay attention to Bedlam give CareerTech higher marks than those who do not. CareerTech Job Performance -By Bedlam Interest
While down a bit from last year, we still have six in ten Oklahomans “strongly” agreeing with this statement. Notice Republicans are even more in agreement. 60% Strongly Agree vs. 24% Somewhat Agree vs. 3% Somewhat Disagree vs. 2% Strongly Disagree vs. 11% Undecided State Money Spent On CareerTech Is A Good Investment
Support for investment in CareerTech spans all parts of the state – the dip in Tulsa has been consistent since the first year we conducted the survey. State Money Spent On CareerTech Is Good Investment By Region
State Money Spent On OCTS Is Good Investment -By Income While still overwhelmingly positive, we do still see a slight dip among the state’s more affluent voters.
This most recent fluctuation should not be a concern as the sample size is small. However, it does show that we are not gaining ground over the past five years. OCTS Is A Good Investment For State Money - Participants Earning +80k Measured Over Time
State Money Spent On OCTS Is A Good Investment Any correlation with agreement with this question and the non- Bedlam sports advertising is not conclusive.
Describe CareerTech CareerTech is not fully defined. A third cannot name anything and another third default to an abstract “good” type of response.
Describe CareerTech
The overall awareness bounced back strongly this year. 58% Yes vs. 38% No vs. 3% Undecided Seen/Read/Heard About CareerTech System
Those with children in the home are the most likely to recall something from CareerTech. Seen/Read/Heard Anything About CareerTech System
As has historically been the case, it is more difficult to reach voters in the Tulsa media market with messages. Seen/Read/Heard Anything About CareerTech System By Region
Again, we see a correlation with those interested in the Bedlam series. Seen/Read/Heard About CareerTech System By Bedlam Interest
Seen/Read/Heard About CareerTech System When it comes to awareness, we do see a connection with the sports advertsing.
Clearly, higher income voters are getting more contact. Seen/Read/Heard Anything Of CareerTech -By Income
What Have You Seen/Read/Heard? 2% of respondents gave various miscellaneous responses while another 30% were not sure.
What Have You Seen/Read/Heard?
The number has come down a bit from last year’s stratospheric number, but it is still solid. Women are more receptive than men as are those at the lower end of the income scale. 38% Greatly enhance; 33% Somewhat enhance; 1% Somewhat diminish; 4% Greatly diminish; 22% Undecided Effect of Seen/Read/Heard
The move to “Your Sound Investment, Our Solid Return” has made recall increase and corrected the stagnation we had seen sitting in. 39% Yes vs. 53% No vs. 8% Undecided Seen/Read/Heard “Elevating Our Economy/Careers/Sound Investment”
There is no doubt, this effort is making these people hear more about CareerTech. Seen/Read/Heard “Elevating Our Economy/Careers” By Bedlam Interest
Seen/Read/Heard Elevating or Investment Again, we do see a correlation with the budget spent on sports advertising.
This number continues to rise. Men in particular are embracing CareerTech. 33% Strongly Agree vs. 23% Somewhat Agree vs. 12% Somewhat Disagree vs. 4% Strongly Disagree vs. 20% Neither Agree nor Disagree vs. 7% Undecided CareerTech Better Prepares Students
It is interesting that those without children in the home are the most likely to agree with this statement – this has been the case each year. We also see more disagreement among mothers – though a plurality still agrees. CareerTech Better Prepares Students
CareerTech Better Prepares Students By Region
CareerTech Better Prepares Students -By Income Our income dynamic remains largely the same.
Interestingly – those who pay attention to all bedlam sports are among the least likely to agree with this sentiment. However, they are also the most likely to have a loyalty to higher education. CareerTech Better Prepares Students By Bedlam Interest
text CareerTech Better Prepares Students By Sports Viewing/Listening Habits When it comes to the three specific areas, we do see some correlation— though it does dip again among those listening to “most” of the respective collegiate events.
This is the first time we have asked this question, and it is enlightening. People see value in what CareerTech is doing for the state – not just for what it does for those for whom college may not be an option. 60% Strongly agree; 24% Somewhat agree; 8% Somewhat disagree; 1% Strongly disagree; 7% Undecided More Than An Alternative To College
19% Science Degrees; 12% 75 Hrs. of credit; 15% Lower Drop-out rate; 32% Better academically; 22% Undecided Why CareerTech Is For College Bound Students Also The public embraces the idea that CareerTech helps students perform better in college. This is especially true among those with children in the home.
20% 3.5 Billion to economy; 19% 12,000 certifications; 23% HS participation; 20% 6,900 OK companies; 18% Undecided Most Enhances Views Of CareerTech No one issue stands out as being the most dominant in enhancing the view of CareerTech. We do see that saying almost half of the state’s high school students participate in CareeTech pops among those with a child in the home.
Most Enhances Views Of CareerTech We also see the participation of high school students pop among those who disagree that current spending is a good investment, those who rate the job performance as only fair, and those getting information through online sources.
Just over half of Oklahomans claim to be aware of these high school offerings. It is higher among mothers. 55% Aware; 43% Not aware; 2% Undecided Awareness FFA And DECA Offered In High Schools
Effect of Knowledge Of HS Programs By Job Performance Numbers may not add-up to 100% due to refusals.
The FFA brand helps enhance the image of CareerTech especially in the rural areas covered by the minor television markets. 42% Greatly enhance; 28% Somewhat enhance; 2% Somewhat diminish; 1% Greatly diminish; 27% Undecided Opinion Of CareerTech With FFA Program Addition
The inclusion of DECA and business groups really moves numbers in the Tulsa market. 47% Greatly enhance; 29% Somewhat enhance; 1% Somewhat diminish; 0% Greatly diminish; 23% Undecided Opinion Of CareerTech With Addition Of FFA, DECA, Business Professional Programs
Wow. This message needs to be promoted. 90% Agree; 6% Disagree; 4% Undecided Career Tech Should Do More When Partnering With Businesses
It gets even slightly better when talking about making certain the demand is there for those being trained. 92% Agree; 4% Disagree; 4% Undecided CareerTech Should Do More When Partnering With Businesses To Train Employees
Over the past year, we have seen interest in the professional careers almost double. This still trails health, hi- tech, and traditional, but is a sizable movement we will watch. Traditional has seriously declined this year. 17% Traditional-MFG, Auto, Welding, Construction vs. 15% Hi-Tech Programming - Software, IS vs. 27% Health Related Fields vs. 3% Service – Culinary, Cosmetology vs. 14% Professional – Engineering, Bio-Tech, Acct vs. 23% Undecided Most Important Careers For OCTS
This year shows the highest response we have seen for adult students. We do see those wanting CareerTech to be a place to get a jump on college up a bit as well. 38% HS Student Trying to Find Career vs. 12% HS Student Trying to Get Jump on College vs. 30% Adult Student vs. 20% Undecided Type Of Student For OCTS
Type Of Student Most Important For OCTS To Serve - Participants Earning +80k Measured Over Time