Migration and the First Americans. The Land Bridge Better known as Beringia 30,000 years ago Indians came across the Bridge from Asia into North America.


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Presentation transcript:

Migration and the First Americans

The Land Bridge Better known as Beringia 30,000 years ago Indians came across the Bridge from Asia into North America Ice Age, Bridge made of ice connecting Asia and current-day Alaska

Migration East and South Hunters and Gatherers Hunters followed animals south 10,000 years ago bridge melted and disappeared Lived in a Variety of locations Adapting to different climates

American Indians Cultural Regions By 1400’s between 1 and 2 million American Indians inhabited North America 8 regions Northwest Coast, California, the Great Basin, the Plateau, the Southwest, the Great Plains, Eastern Woodlands, and the Southeast

Paleo Indians Earliest inhabitants between 10,000 and 40,000 years ago. Nomadic groups “flint knapping”- stone chipping Tipped-spears Very little artifacts are left behind

Northwest Coast Builders and Carvers Plentiful food Practice crafts

American Indians of California Southern Oregon to Baja California Many sources of food Simple, cone shape homes Wove plant materials into many useful items

Indians of the Great Basin Low area between Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains, Desert area Limited food and water Nomads, traveled in small groups Extreme Heat and Cold

Indians of the Plateau Bounded by Cascade Range to the west, the Rockies to the East, and the Fraser River Hunter and Gatherers Relied mainly on fish and plants Camas and Salmon

Indians of the Southwest Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Utah, Colorado, portions of Texas, Oklahoma, and California Canyons and Mountians Mesa people, Nomadic desert wanderers Adobe homes Corn Culture

Indians of the Great Plains Treeless Grassland, Rockies to Mississippi Valley, from Canada to Gulf of Mexico Buffalo Hunters Buffalo used for multiple uses and resources

Indians of the Eastern Woodlands East of Mississippi river to Atlantic Ocean Two language groups, Algonquian and Iroquois Plentiful woods Women Farmers, Iroquois crops still planted today ( Sunflowers, Tobacco, and many vegetables)

Indians of Southeast Southern Ohio Valley to the Gulf of Mexico Fertile coastal plains Towns build around mounds (2-12 mounds) Long growing seasons Time to make bracelets and jewelry from stones, shells, and feathers