Nebula Protostar Brow Dwarf Main sequence Hydrogen fusion Red Giant Planetary nebula White Dwarf Black Dwarf
A nebula is a cloud of gas and dust. A nebula turns into a protostar after an additional amount of gas and dust contract to the original nebula. There are four different kinds of nebulae: diffuse, planertary, protoplanetary, supernova remnants. Image from: Nebula
A protostar is a large object that’s forms from the gas of a large molecular cloud in the interstellar medium. A interstellar medium is the dust and gas spread around interstellar space. A protostar will turn in to a main sequence star once it gains enough mass, the temperature rises, and hydrogen starts to fuse. A low mass protostar is smaller than a high mass protostar. Image found at: otostar.jpg?o=3
A brown dwarf is a wanna’ be star but it doesn't get hot enough it be one. There are different types of brown dwarfs. There is spectral class L, spectral T, and spectral Y. Image found at: _brown_dwarf_big.jpg
A main sequence is the majority of a stars life. The Sun, Sirius and Alpha Centauri A and B are all main sequence stars. The main sequence happens in the center of a star.
It happens in main sequence stars. It’s where hydrogen doubles into helium. It releases a lot of energy when this happens. erium-tritium_fusion.svg
A red giant is a large star weighs about one-half to ten times as much as the sun. Red giant stars are actually red. Some of the main red stars are Mira, Arcturus and Gamma Crucis.
Helium fusion happens when the star runs out of hydrogen so it starts fusing helium. Helium turns in to carbon. It needs to be a lot more hotter for it to work. The star runs out of helium faster than hydrogen. IMAGE FROM:
A planetary nebula is a nebula that is made up of gas and plasma. Planetary nebula is made up of certain stars when they die. Planetary stars don't last for long, compared to a star, which only lives for tens of thousands of years. ki/File:Ngc2392.jpg
A white dwarf is a star. The color of a white dwarf is the same as any other regular star, but just not as bright. A star like the sun will become a white dwarf once it has ran out of fuel. Most white dwarf stars are the same size as Earth, and 100 times smaller than the sun. pg
A black dwarf happens when a white dwarf cools off so much that it has so heat or light. Black dwarfs are a hypothesis, and may not be true. This is the end of the small/medium stars life.
Red Supergiant Supernova Neutron Star Black Hole
Red supergiants are supergiant stars spectral type K or M. They are the largest type of star, in volume. they are not the largest type in mass. this phase it actually short. some starts may turn in to a blue supergiant, but most turn into a supernova! Image from:
A supernova is when a star explodes. this happiness when a start total runs out of heat and light. after they cause a burst if light that covers a whole galaxy. after this happens it may turn into a black hole or a neutron star. supernova's are very rare. the last one happened in Image from:
A neutron star is a star that is almost made up of completely neutrons. It's very small a dense. They are just the leftovers of a massive star. They rotate very fast. They come in different types. There is Pulsar, and Low Mass X-ray Binaries. e:Neutron_star_cross_section.jpg
a black hole is a whole with very strong gravity. light can't even escape it. scientist didn't even know that they excised until recently. ki/ g
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