Self- interacting Dark Matter 2.0:


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Presentation transcript:

Self- interacting Dark Matter 2.0: Back and Better Than Ever! Annika Peter McCue Fellow uC irvine M. Rocha, AP+ 1204.XXXX AP+ 1204.XXXX

The Universe as a cupcake Baryons: ~4% Image credits: NASA/JPL; NASA, Jeff Hester, and Paul Scowen (Arizona State University); NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI), and the HUDF team Dark matter: ~23% Dark energy: ~72% ???

The cold dark matter orthodoxy “Born cold”. Late-time behavior: collisionless and boring. Image credits: M. Blanton and the SDSS r overdensity Millennium simulation

Small-scale issues (circa 2000) Dwarf core problem (Kuzio de Naray et al. 2008) Missing satellites problem (Moore et al., Klypin et al. 1999)

Self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) Elastic scattering---need cross section ~1 cm2/g (>1012 times stronger than weak force) to be interesting. Original formulation (Spergel & Steinhardt 2000): hard-sphere elastic scattering. In vogue now: on particle side (hidden-sector models, Sommerfeld-enhanced dark matter)---generally velocity-dependent.

Phenomenology Looks exactly like CDM on large scales: 10 Mpc/h slice, CDM 10 Mpc/h slice, σ/m = 1 cm2 /g

Phenomenology Generic predictions when : Rounder halo in inner parts. Cored (less dense) halo density profiles. Fewer satellites close to the center. CDM SIDM

Version 1.0 nail in the coffin Miralda-Escude (2002) Requires a non-circularly-symmetric surface density at r > 70 kpc. Assume ε=0 if .  σ/m < 0.02 cm2/g. MS 2137-23 Sand et al. 2008 Tightest constraint by far (by > 10x)!

The problem with shapes We see surface density (or gravitational potentials) in projection. If inner parts have flattened density, outer parts have even greater weight. σ/m=1 cm2/g CDM

SIDM 2.0: It’s back! σ/m=1 cm2/g allowed!

Density profile

Cores Milky Way dwarfs Milky Way 1015 M clusters Dwarf galaxies ~hundred pc ~kpc

Observations Galaxy cluster densities “Too big to fail” Dwarf core problem (Kuzio de Naray et al. 2008) “Too big to fail” Milky Way dwarfs (Boylan-Kolchin et al. 2011) Galaxy cluster densities ρ ~ r-β Richard Ellis and co. (Newman et al. 2011) Need less DM in ~100 pc in 109-1010 M halos Need cores in ~1 kpc in 1011 M halos Need cores in ~100 kpc in 1015 M halos

Cores! Milky Way dwarfs Milky Way 1015 M clusters Dwarf galaxies ~hundred pc ~kpc


Takeaway points “Vanilla” SIDM is far from dead! Moreover, clinging to one particular unproven model (cough, cough, CDM) may be dangerous. Try to constrain general phenomenology! With at least a modicum of rigor! A reanalysis of the old constraints shows σ/m=1 cm2/g OK! (AKA, do not believe everything you read) Suggestive core sizes! Cross sections that give interesting-sized cores do NOT substantially reduce subhalo mass function. Clusters remain an interesting environment for constraints.