Access Queries
Queries Let you see the data you want With Select queries you can: Query more than one table Create new calculated fields Summarize and group data Choose which fields to show or hide
Queries (cont’d) Make-Table Update Append Delete Crosstab Pass-Through Data-Definition Union Other types: “Action” Advanced (SQL specific)
Query Wizards Simple Crosstab Find Duplicates Find Unmatched
Simple Query Wizard Let’s set up a simple query Want all Contacts from Little Rock Want just Last Name and First Name Want to sort by Last Name
Simple Query Wizard (with totals) Want to total donations by person Want Last Name and First Name from Contacts Want Amount Donated from Donations Either “Summary” or “Every Record” “Every Record” can be totaled later in a Report
Query Wizards (cont’d) Let’s set up a Find Unmatched query that involves two tables Want all Contacts who have not donated money
Advanced Queries Queries can get quite complex Action queries = be careful! Back up your data first Check your results carefully Use the wizard to start, then modify