OML Data Definition Igor Macedo, UNIFACS UNIFACS-Fibre Meeting 1
Agenda Measurement Point – Creation and Definition – Registration Data Persistence Data Export 2
Measurement Points (1) It’s the way OML define it data To define/register a OML MP: – Create a OmlMPDef array. This array defines the data to be stored in a relational database (sqlite3), like a table; – Use the function omlc_add_mp, to register the “table” in the database – To insert the data into the database, use the function oml_inject 3
Measurement Points (2) 4 #include int main (int argc, const char **argv) { int result = omlc_init ("Simple", &argc, argv, NULL); if (result == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize OML\n"); exit (1); } OmlMPDef mp_def [] = { { "count", OML_UINT32_VALUE }, { "count_str", OML_STRING_VALUE }, { "count_real", OML_DOUBLE_VALUE }, { NULL, (OmlValueT)0 } }; OmlMP *mp = omlc_add_mp ("counter", mp_def); if (mp == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: could not register Measurement Point 'counter'"); exit (1); } omlc_start(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { uint32_t count = (uint32_t)i; char count_str[16]; double count_real = (double)i; OmlValueU values[3]; snprintf(count_str, sizeof(count_str), "%d", i); omlc_set_uint32 (values[0], count); omlc_set_string (values[1], count_str); omlc_set_double (values[2], count_real); omlc_inject (mp, values); } omlc_close(); return 0; }
Measurement Points (3) 5... OmlMPDef mp_def = { {"oml_sender_id", OML_INT32_VALUE}, {"oml_seq", OML_INT32_VALUE}, {"oml_ts_client", OML_DOUBLE_VALUE}, {"oml_ts_server", OML_DOUBLE_VALUE}, {"ts", OML_DOUBLE_VALUE}, {"flow_id", OML_INT32_VALUE}, {"seq_no", OML_INT32_VALUE}, {"pkt_length", OML_INT32_VALUE}, {"dst_host", OML_STRING_VALUE}, {"dst_port", OML_INT32_VALUE} }... OmlMP *mp = oml_add_mp (“otg2_udp_out”, mp_def);... omlc_inject(mp, values); CREATE TABLE "otg2_udp_out" (oml_sender_id INTEGER, oml_seq INTEGER, oml_ts_client REAL, oml_ts_server REAL, "ts" REAL, "flow_id" INTEGER, "seq_no" UNSIGNED INTEGER, "pkt_length" UNSIGNED INTEGER, "dst_host" TEXT, "dst_port" UNSIGNED INTEGER); INSERT INTO "otg2_udp_out" VALUES(1,1, , , ,1,1,512,' ',3000); INSERT INTO "otg2_udp_out" VALUES(1,2, , , ,1,2,512,' ',3000); INSERT INTO "otg2_udp_out" VALUES(1,3, , , ,1,3,512,' ',3000); INSERT INTO "otg2_udp_out" VALUES(1,4, , , ,1,4,512,' ',3000);
Data Persistence 6
Data Export 7
MDIP Proposal 8
Thank you for your attention Igor Macedo 9