European Funding and the Social Sciences, SOCSI, 17.11.10 Some reflections on research in a European context Tom Horlick-Jones.


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Presentation transcript:

European Funding and the Social Sciences, SOCSI, Some reflections on research in a European context Tom Horlick-Jones

Euro work Visiting scientist, EC-JRC Ispra Visiting scientist, EC-JRC Ispra Rapporteur-General, EC international conference on natural hazards and civil protection Rapporteur-General, EC international conference on natural hazards and civil protection Consultancy project on major hazards and civil protection policy Consultancy project on major hazards and civil protection policy Award to organise a major European conference on scientific expertise Award to organise a major European conference on scientific expertise Project PRISP, EU Framework 4 Environment programme (UK/Italy/Spain) Project PRISP, EU Framework 4 Environment programme (UK/Italy/Spain) Four small projects funded by EFDA Four small projects funded by EFDA Project PACHELBEL (unsuccessful application) EU F7 Energy programme Project PACHELBEL (unsuccessful application) EU F7 Energy programme Project PACHELBEL, EU Framework 7 Environment programme (Spain/UK/France/Germany/Romania/Sweden) Project PACHELBEL, EU Framework 7 Environment programme (Spain/UK/France/Germany/Romania/Sweden)

Project PACHELBEL, Second consortium meeting, Dorking, June 2010

Some thoughts about what works, and what doesnt work Develop authentic research relationships, engage with EC policy development, languages, think European. Develop authentic research relationships, engage with EC policy development, languages, think European. Cultural differences, differing practical and professional circumstances, misunderstandings. Cultural differences, differing practical and professional circumstances, misunderstandings. Dont forget the new member states from Eastern Europe. Dont forget the new member states from Eastern Europe. Find the right call. Find the right call. +/- of cross-disciplinary, policy-focused, research areas. +/- of cross-disciplinary, policy-focused, research areas. If you are unsuccessful, and youre confident about the project, try again, try re-positioning. If you are unsuccessful, and youre confident about the project, try again, try re-positioning. Support from the European team at RACD. Support from the European team at RACD.