Establishing Service Culture At SGMC Randy Sauls, COO
SGMC’s Motto: Professional Care With Service Professional Care With Service Personal
2 Main Factors Affecting Customer Judgment Concerning Care: Technical –Qualified staff –State-of-the-art equipment Personal –How long they had to wait –How noisy, clean the environment was –How comfortable they were –If they and their family were treated with courtesy and respect Technical –Qualified staff –State-of-the-art equipment Personal –How long they had to wait –How noisy, clean the environment was –How comfortable they were –If they and their family were treated with courtesy and respect
Direct And Indirect Benefits Of Satisfied Patients: Physicians have greater confidence that their patients are recovering in an optimum environment They get well faster Are more likely to return for care in the future They are likely to recommend SGMC to others Less likely to be dissatisfied with our services in the future Patients have a choice and SGMC wants to be their choice! Physicians have greater confidence that their patients are recovering in an optimum environment They get well faster Are more likely to return for care in the future They are likely to recommend SGMC to others Less likely to be dissatisfied with our services in the future Patients have a choice and SGMC wants to be their choice! Satisfied patients become LOYAL customers!
High Satisfaction Is Great…Our Goal Is High Patient Loyalty! SGMC is in the business of serving people Ongoing Customer Service Team implements SGMC’s objectives in achieving customer loyalty SGMC is in the business of serving people Ongoing Customer Service Team implements SGMC’s objectives in achieving customer loyalty
Our Overall Goal: Make the hospital experience as pleasant and reassuring as possible
Annual Report On Customer Service 2001 – 2003 Accomplishments Behaviors changed –Telephone protocols –Scripts for key service encounters Feedback Tools –VHA SatisQuest –Internal survey tools used to enlist immediate feedback in Lab, OP, IP, CCV, Cancer Center and ED –Cards and letters Behaviors changed –Telephone protocols –Scripts for key service encounters Feedback Tools –VHA SatisQuest –Internal survey tools used to enlist immediate feedback in Lab, OP, IP, CCV, Cancer Center and ED –Cards and letters
Annual Report On Customer Service 2001 – 2003 Accomplishments Dress code revised Image boosters –Signage and maps –Posters of employees modeling absolutes Adopted 9 Customer Service Absolutes and introduced all employees to our customer service expectations during new employee orientation. Dress code revised Image boosters –Signage and maps –Posters of employees modeling absolutes Adopted 9 Customer Service Absolutes and introduced all employees to our customer service expectations during new employee orientation.
Annual Report On Customer Service 2004 Accomplishments Image Boosters –Main lobby –Employee communication boards –B Level changes –3 rd and 5 th floor waiting rooms –Permanent absolute banners –ER registration area Mirror Vending –Children’s play table –Message “on hold” feature Image Boosters –Main lobby –Employee communication boards –B Level changes –3 rd and 5 th floor waiting rooms –Permanent absolute banners –ER registration area Mirror Vending –Children’s play table –Message “on hold” feature
Annual Report On Customer Service 2004 Accomplishments Customer Friendly Upgrades –New coin changer machine (vending area) –Customer service intranet link with tools –Diversity integration –Improved internal communication Department specific newsletters Coordinated conservation message Updated complaint management letter –Spice of Life – Food Court Customer Friendly Upgrades –New coin changer machine (vending area) –Customer service intranet link with tools –Diversity integration –Improved internal communication Department specific newsletters Coordinated conservation message Updated complaint management letter –Spice of Life – Food Court
Annual Report On Customer Service 2004 Accomplishments Celebrating Successes and Employees –Monthly recognition of frontline shining stars –Ongoing “Above and Beyond” awards –Post JCAHO Celebration –Hospital Week Celebration –Facilitated addition of customer service absolutes into interview process Prospective employees know our expectations! –Monthly reinforcement of customer service absolutes “Brag challenges” and flyers Celebrating Successes and Employees –Monthly recognition of frontline shining stars –Ongoing “Above and Beyond” awards –Post JCAHO Celebration –Hospital Week Celebration –Facilitated addition of customer service absolutes into interview process Prospective employees know our expectations! –Monthly reinforcement of customer service absolutes “Brag challenges” and flyers
Annual Report On Customer Service 2004 Accomplishments Celebrating Successes and Employees –Benchmark Celebrations Volunteer Services OP Surgery Inpatient Care Emergency Care –Accreditations Chest Pain Rehab Unit Cancer Center JCAHO American College of Surgeons –Greenleaf OP Center Opens Celebrating Successes and Employees –Benchmark Celebrations Volunteer Services OP Surgery Inpatient Care Emergency Care –Accreditations Chest Pain Rehab Unit Cancer Center JCAHO American College of Surgeons –Greenleaf OP Center Opens
A Look At Benchmarks: Quality Of Care Source: SatisQuest
A Look At Benchmarks: Aggregate Scores Source: SatisQuest
CustomerCare Feedback Survey Results July 2004
Were CCT Resource Tools Helpful And User Friendly?
Did CCT Program Help Your Team Improve Customer Service?
Seeing And Hearing Results! “ER night shift team – fine job!” “Phone triage service at Youth Care a lifesaver in the middle of the night! BEST service!” “Patient representative listened, acknowledged, empathized, apologized, and pampered” “Everyone went out of their way to provide quality service (Open Heart)” “ER night shift team – fine job!” “Phone triage service at Youth Care a lifesaver in the middle of the night! BEST service!” “Patient representative listened, acknowledged, empathized, apologized, and pampered” “Everyone went out of their way to provide quality service (Open Heart)”
Sustaining South Georgia Medical Center’s Culture Of Service Building A Winning Environment For Our Patients And Staff!
Our Passion: Making The Total Patient Experience Great From A-Z! Clinically sound care Clean, attractive facility Great service from start to finish: Patient – Family – Physician Looks big—feels like family! Clinically sound care Clean, attractive facility Great service from start to finish: Patient – Family – Physician Looks big—feels like family!
2005 LHS Motto & Standards