Internal Management & Operations Programme NCOP – Select Committee Presentation – 23/5/2001 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR
IMO PROGRAMME 2001 Occupational Health and Safety Compensation Fund Administration Human Resources Management Service Delivery Provincial Priorities
Occupational Health & Safety 5 Year Objective - OHS Restructuring Year Two OutputExpected Outcome i.Integration of National OHS & Compensation competencies according to the Cabinet decision. ii.Creation of OHS Stakeholders support structures. OHS & Compensation competencies integrated framework (National policy document is tabled for public comment.) Joint OHS ventures with stakeholders eg. creation of workplace health and safety committees.
Occupational Health & Safety (Continue) Year Two OutputExpected Outcome iiiPrevention strategy : OHS awareness campaign. OHS training programme. Improved compliance : 10 point inspection checklist & Blitz inspectorate roving units creation. Systematized OHS training for H & S representative.
Compensation Fund – Key Priorities for – 2004 Objective Client focus – Service delivery according to client expectations : 2001/2002 OutputsExpected Outcome Decentralization of compensation functions to the provinces. Public education on claiming procedures. Connection of provincial offices to head office IT systems FYI. Improve claim processing period and reduce enquiries/complaints.
Key Projects for the year 2001 Programme : Administration 5-Year Objective To create a positive image of the Ministry and the Department. Year 2 OutputExpected Outcome Develop Communications turn around strategy. Positive image of the Ministry improvement with improved services to the public.
Key Projects for the year 2001 Programme : Administration (Cont.) 5-Year Objective To establish electronic system that is based on modern information technology principles. Year 2 OutputExpected Outcome Conclude the Public Private Partnership deal. IT infrastructure will be upgraded. Information systems will be integrated.
Key Projects for the year 2001 Programme : Administration (Cont.) 5-Year Objective To develop budget that is aligned with the strategic thrust of the Department in full consultation with all relevant parties. Year 2 OutputExpected Outcome Align departmental budget with departmental strategic plan. Improved accountability. Consultative and transparent budget process. Budget control.
Key Projects for the year 2001 Programme : Administration (Cont.) 5-Year Objective To fully implement and comply with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) Year 2 OutputExpected Outcome Implementation of PFMA. The PFMA will be complied with.
HRM output for Year Objective Staff developed as per skills plan. Ensure development and implementation of the strategic plan for 2000 – OutputExpected Outcome Human Resources Development strategy implemented. Implementation of DOL Strategic Plan. Enhance service delivery.
HRM output for 2001 (Cont.) 5-Year Objective Ensure development and implementation of the strategic plan for 2000 – OutputExpected Outcome Implement Performance Management Policy (Performance Agreements / Workplans). Service delivery levels enhanced.
HRM Output for 2001 (Cont.) 5-Year Objective Implement employment equity (EE) plan. Year 2 OutputExpected Outcome Review and monitor implementation of the EE plan. Staff compliment in DOL represent the Demographics in the country.
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area:Employment and Skills Development Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Projects for the Year National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) adopted, advocated, implemented and evaluated. Provincial Skills Development Plan Trained unemployed people placed correctly PPP Skills development promoted Provincial launches of the provincial skills plan of NSDS
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area:Employment and Skills Development Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Projects for the Year Effects of retrenchment s minimized through effective implementati on of social plan Retrenchment Response Team established and operational Retrenchees selected and sent to relevant training programmes Social Plan delivered Provincial launches of the social plan
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Integrated Enforcement Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Protect Vulnerable Workers Alleviate plight of vulnerable workers through targeted/proactive inspection and enforcements Continual improvement of compliance with law
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Integrated Enforcement Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Protect Vulnerable Workers Build sufficient capacity to deliver OHS in the work place Est inspectorate roving units Engage more inspectors Training Program developed Reduction in number of OHS backlog cases Reduction in time taken to investigate fatalities and serious accidents
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Integrated Enforcement Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Protect Vulnerable Workers Integrated inspection services implemented EEA incorporated into integrated inspections Focused one stop service
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Integrated Enforcement Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Projects for the Year Protect Vulnerable Workers Advocacy and Public Awareness Info sessions on legislatives amendments Publicity and Awareness campaigns of Child Labour Advocacy and campaigns on OHS Awareness campaigns on the hazards of Child Labour on Youth Day (16/6/01)
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Integrated Enforcement Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Projects for the Year Protect Vulnerable Workers Advocacy and Public Awareness The establishment of safety workplace committees to monitor compliance enforcement Monitor compliance with EEA and province info, education and training to employers and employees Get Employment Equity working for you – National Women’s Day (08/08/01)
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Management and Support Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Restructured Provincial Offices to deliver in an integrated manner Integrated service delivery IT systems implemented (IRIS) Restructured and streamlined services at Labour Centres (IIS,IRIS) Effective case management Integrated employer database The filling of priority posts finalised
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Beneficiary Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Decentralisation and automation of COIDA functions to provinces as per CC plan Fully Integrated Beneficiary Services Frontline staff computer competent ans service delivery is enhanced
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Beneficiary Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome Improved financial viability of the UIF Enforce compliance and improve the financial viability of the UIF Timeous settlement of benefits Improve customer care Launching of UI Bill in the provinces Batho Pele principles upheld Customer satisfaction is continually increased
Provincial Priority Outputs Functional Area: Labour Market Information Services 5 Year Objective (National) Current year Outputs (Provincial Objectives) Critical Outcome To ensure balance between flexibility ans security by providing the analytical information of policies Establish mechanism to monitor trends in the labour market. Conduct a client satisfaction survey Standardised management information /data KPI to measure impact of policy on clients