Grammar Unit Pronouns
Let’s Review... The pronoun is the second of the eight parts of speech. Just for the record, here are all eight: Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection
Pronouns can be used in different ways. They can be Personal Indefinite Interrogative and Demonstrative Personal pronouns have a sub-category called possessive.
First, let's start with a basic definition: Pronouns take the place of nouns to name persons, places, things, or ideas.
You now have 2 minutes... See how many Pronouns you can come up with.
PERSONAL PRONOUNS: I Me You He Him She Her It We Us They Them
PERSONALPOSESSIVE PRONOUNS: My Mine Your Yours His Her Hers Its Our Ours Their Theirs ****Note that there are no apostrophes used with possessive personal pronouns. This includes "its." Just as you would say "That is hers," you would say "Success is its own reward." It's stands for the contraction that represents "It is" or "It has." It's is NEVER possessive.
INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS: Who Whom What Which Whose in·ter·rog·a·tive Asking a question or being of the nature of a question: an interrogative raising of the eyebrows.
DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS: This That These Those de·mon·stra·tive Involving or characterized by demonstration. Specifying or singling out the person or thing referred to.
INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: Anybody Anyone Each Either None Someone Somebody Both Everyone No One Neither Many Few Several One in·def·i·nit e A pronoun, such as any or some, that does not specify the identity of its object. ****Note: Some indefinite pronouns are singular, some are plural, and some may be used as both singular and plural. This will be discussed in a future lesson.
Now, take some time to look over your notes to prepare for the Pronouns quiz you will take in a few minutes.
Pronoun Homework In a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet, find an article that interests you and is at least 10 lines long. Tape the article to a clean sheet of paper. Underline and identify all the pronouns in the article. Due Tomorrow at the beginning of class.