ITS upgrade Meeting Gruppi INFN V. Manzari – CERN, 6 Novembre 2012
Upgrades: status On September 27 after the third round of discussions with ALICE, the LHCC has endorsed our Upgrade LoI and ITS CDR. Minutes are not out yet, but there is a statement which we can quote issued by the LHCC chair: “There is an interest amongst the collider experiments (ALICE, ATLAS and CMS) for a continued heavy ion programme that gives access to rare final states. This programme will extend well into the 20ies assuming the current HI running mode of one month per year. The physics programmes of the two general purpose detectors and ALICE are complementary: while the former may focus on selected hard probes ALICE will be optimized for particle identification at low transverse momenta. The experiments are hence sensitive to different ”messenger“ signals and phases of the evolution of the quark gluon plasma. This increase in sensitivity for ALICE entails an upgrade of the rate capability of the TPC, a high resolution ITS, and a major upgrade of the online system and the read-out electronics. The LHCC commends this joint approach to heavy ion physics and endorses the upgrade plans of the ALICE collaboration. The committee is looking forward to the seeing detailed technical solutions presented in the respective TDRs..”
RRB 29 Oct -1 Nov o Extension of the construction MoU o General Endorsement of the Upgrade TDRs to be prepared in O(1 year) o Will define the construction design o Will contain the specific commitments of the Institutions to the projects o Followed by MoU addendum (or addenda) R&D o Will have to continue vigorously throughout the process, with substantial funding, agreed within each project Target date for ITS TDR August 2013 for submission to LHCC in September 2013 Upgrades: next steps
Pb–Pb int. luminosity per year 2.85 nb -1 (peak L = 7x10 27 cm -2 s -1 ) needed int. luminosity 10 nb -1, statistics 8x10 10 events 3.5 month of running +1 month of special run at low field for dileptons p–Pb max event rate 200 kHz, flat (L = cm -2 s -1 ) needed int. luminosity 50 nb -1, statistics events 0.5 month of dedicated p–Pb run pp max event rate 200 kHz, flat (L = 3x10 30 cm -2 s -1 ) needed int. luminosity 6 pb -1, statistics 4x10 11 events 2 month of dedicated pp run, assumed in 1 year The list above fulfills the ALICE physics program as presented in the LoI. A run with lower mass nuclei (e.g. Ar) could be considered in addition, if a physics case for it would emerge. Running scenario after the upgrades
ALICE plans to run 6 years with upgraded detector, i.e. until 2026 (assuming start in 2019 and 2 years break of LS3) Possible scenario: 2019 – Pb–Pb 2.85 nb – Pb–Pb 2.85 nb -1 (low magnetic field) 2021 – pp reference run 2022 – LS – LS – Pb–Pb 2.85 nb – ½ Pb–Pb 1.42 nb -1 + ½ p–Pb 50 nb – Pb–Pb 2.85 nb -1 This would not require pp running during high-luminosity runs, only a short time before a heavy-ion run for setting up and commissioning. Upgrades: a possible running scheme
Organization, Timeline and Cost Participating Institutes (subject to funding) CERN China (Wuhan, SINAP) Czech Republic (Prague) France IN2P3-CNRS (Strasbourg) Italy INFN (Bari, Cagliari, Catania, Frascati, Legnaro, Padova, Roma, Torino, Trieste) Korea (Yonsei University Seoul) Pakistan (Islamabad COMSATS) Russia (St. Petersburg) Slovakia (Kosice IEP) UK STFC (Univ. of Birmingham, Daresbury Lab, RAL) Ukraine (Kharkov, Kiev) Cost Estimate (Option A and B) (*) R&D 4 MCHF Option A (All pixels)10 MCHF Option B (pixels + strips) 16 MCHF Already members of ITS project New members of ITS project (*) detailed cost breakdown in Table 6.2 of CDR Upgrade Timeline 2012–2014R&D 2012evaluation of technologies & prototyp 2013selection of technologies, eng. Design, TDR 2014final design and validation Construction and Installation production, construction and test of detector modules 2017assembly and pre-commissioning 2018installaiton in the cavern Contribution of Institutes to be defined within the next 8 months
ITS Upgrade Breakdown of the CORE Cost Estimate V. Manzari - INFN Bari7CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012 Option 1: 7 layers of monolithic pixel detectors, which would provide excellent standalone tracking efficiency and pt resolution, but limited PID capability. Option 2: a combination of 3 innermost layers of hybrid pixel detectors and 4 outermost layers of strip detectors, which would provide better PID capability but worse standalone tracking efficiency and momentum resolution.
ITS Upgrade Timeline V. Manzari - INFN Bari8CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012
ALICE Upgrade CORE Cost Estimates V. Manzari - INFN Bari9CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012 Overall cost estimate for the major upgrade projects Detector components and production costs Upgrade items and Common Project -ZDC included in “Trigger Detectors”, EMCal and HMPID require minor funds -The Offline cost is the investment needed for the offline central services at CERN
ALICE Upgrade Spending Profile V. Manzari - INFN Bari10CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012 Memorandum of Understanding An Addendum for each Project to the ALICE MoU Addendum for the Common Projects including M&O A
Cost Estimate DetectorCost (KCHF) ITS6000 VHMPID1000 TOF600 Muon600 ZDC100 CommonFunds1000 V. Manzari - INFN BariCSN III – 20 Marzo ALICE Upgrade INFN Estimated Contributions Overall cost estimate: ≈ 60 MCHF Italian Contribution: ≈ 10 MCHF
Cost Estimate Contributo INFN all’upgrade Partecipazione INFN in ALICE: “Scientist” 107/574 (19%) Costo Totale Upgrade ALICE: MCHF M€ Costo Totale Upgrade ITS: MCHF (+ 4 MCHF per R&D) Contributo INFN per upgrade ITS: MCHF (33%) M€ Common Projects: 0.9 M€ TOF: 0.6 M€ Muon: 1.8 M€ x 0.2 0.4 M€ Stima finanziamento globale INFN per upgrade ALICE: 5.8 M€ spalmato su 5-6 anni
Cost Estimate Contributi gruppi INFN Consultazione in corso con i vari gruppi che hanno espresso interesse a partecipare all’upgrade dell’ITS per definire contributi e responsabilità in base alle risorse disponibili (finanziarie, personale e infrastrutture) Discussione all’IB meeting durante la mini-week in Dicembre Come procediamo? Individuare attività/sotto-progetti di interesse comune Salvaguardare contributi, specificità e visibilità dei vari gruppi Leadership in alcuni sotto-progetti Sviluppi tecnologici Utilizzo delle infrastrutture esistenti Negoziazione delle risorse locali con i rispettivi Direttori di Sez/Lab: tecnici, tecnologi e servizi.
List of activities
V. Manzari - INFN BariCSN III – 20 Marzo Backup
Riunione CSN /03/2011 R&D activities for the ALICE inner tracker upgrade Riunione CSN /06/2011 ALICE Inner Tracking System Upgrade Riunione CSN /03/2012 ALICE Upgrade Referee meeting 9/05/2012: Novità ITS e R&D status Referee meeting 20/07/2012: ITS upgrade: consuntivo e richieste Link a Presentazioni Precedenti V. Manzari - INFN Bari17CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012
Web pages: Inner Tracking System Inner Tracking System Upgrade Conceptual Design Report for the Upgrade of the ALICE ITS – Version: CDR-0, CERN-LHCC / LHCC-G-159; March 6, 2012 ocuments/AliceITSupgrade-CDR-0_1.pdf Progress report on the Conceptual Design Report for the Upgrade of the ALICE ITS; June 18, 2012 documents/progress_report.pdf Link a Documenti su Upgrade V. Manzari - INFN Bari18CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012
Upgrade of the ALICE Experiment – Letter of Intent; September 7, 2012 CERN-LHCC / LHCC-I-022 Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System – Conceptual Design Report; CERN-LHCC / LHCC-P-005; September 11, 2012 Link a Documenti su Upgrade V. Manzari - INFN Bari19CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012
Link alla Pagina Web ITS Upgrade V. Manzari - INFN Bari20CSN III – 18 Settembre 2012
1 Marzo P.T (draft di piano finanziario, CSN3 30/1/2012) Upgrades : nostre previsioni presentata da Nico in CSN3 Nel per R&D (ITS, VHMPID) : 131, K€ ( s.j.) Previsioni costo upgrades (MB e CB meetings del 12/1/2012): ITS : 14 MCHF (CERN, INFN, IN2P3, UK, COMSATS, BMBF, Ukraina, Russia, China, Slovakia, Czech Republic) R&D e prototipi Costruzione Integrazione e commissioning in laboratorio Installazione e commissioning VHMPID : 3 (- 4) MCHF (USA, INFN, India, Mexico, Korea, Brazil, Hungary) R&D e prototipi Costruzione e commissioning in lab./testbeam Installazione e commissioning Contributo INFN old HMPID 57.4% Possibile contributo INFN (circa 16.7 %) : 500 KCHF tra 2013 e 2017 (100 KCHF nel 2013, 150 nel 2014, 150 nel 2015) Nuova strategia di upgrade del Central Barrel (MB e CB meetings del 12/1/2012): Stime approssimative dei costi per rivelatori con contributo INFN: TOF : 600 KCHF (100% INFN) → (72 schede DRM) 500 kEuro Muon Trigger : 604 KCHF (IN2P3, INFN) → 160 (rivel.) + 30 (sistema gas) = 190 kEuro Muon Tracking : 967 KCHF (IN2P3, INFN, India?, Russia?) → 200 – 250 kCHF ZDC 70 kEuro (100% INFN) Contributo INFN old MUON 9.2% …… Contributo INFN old ITS 49.1%