Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Children and Families Bill Implementing the Reforms for Special Educational Needs and Disability.


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Presentation transcript:

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Children and Families Bill Implementing the Reforms for Special Educational Needs and Disability

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration DfE - The Vision  Early identification and support  Trained and equipped workforce  Easily accessible information  Clear focus on outcomes  Assessment and EHC Plan from birth to 25  Increased control for parents and young people

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Timeframe for the Bill  Lords committee – October  Regulations and Code of practice published 4 th October – Consultation process until 10 th December  Report stage – November 2013  Royal assent – February 2014  Law – September 2014

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Legislation - Key Highlights  0-25 Education, Health & Care Plan  Personal Budgets  Local Offer  New rights & protections for year olds  Preparation for Adulthood  Joint Commissioning duty  Health duty  Duties on Academies

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Legislation: Remaining Debates  Young Offenders with SEN in custody  Disabled children and young people  Single point of redress  Duty on social care

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Key Issues Arising From Pathfinder Activity  Engaging families and young people critical  Good practice in engaging institutional settings  Local offer: engaging, accessible, transparent & comprehensive  Requires a culture shift in thinking & approach  Person-centred planning is important

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Co-ordinated Assessment and Single EHC Plan  Children, young people and their families at the centre of the process  A “tell us once” approach to sharing information  Use of person centred and key working approaches  Plans focused on outcomes (short and long term) with detailed and specific provision requirements  More streamlined but time invested in joint agreement on key outcomes

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration THE CO-ORDINATED ASSESSMENT PROCESS – AN EXAMPLE Referral Request AssessmentPlanning 6 Weeks 8 Weeks 6 Weeks

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration THE SINGLE EHC PLAN – AN EXAMPLE  Part One: Personal details  Part Two: - a personalised profile of the child - the child’s current needs  Part Three: - the support the child needs to succeed and achieve - the child’s support plan - education placement - who’s involved  Part Four: Agreeing the plan

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Local Offer Principles  Collaborative: local authorities must involve parents, children and young people in developing and reviewing the local offer.  Accessible: should be easy to understand, factual and jargon-free. Should be well signposted and publicised.  Comprehensive: describe support available across education, health and social care from 0 to 25 and how to access it including eligibility criteria. Describe where to go for information, advice and support, and how to make complaints or appeal against decisions.  Transparent: must be clear about how decisions are made and who is accountable and responsible

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration What Must be Included  Education, health and social care provision for SEN ;  How parents and young people request assessment for EHC plan;  Arrangements for identifying and assessing SEN;  Other educational provision such as sports or arts provision;  Post-16 education and training provision;  Apprenticeships, Traineeships, and Supported Internships;  Arrangements for travel;  Support to help movement between phases of education  Sources of information, advice and support relating to SEN  Childcare, including provision for disabled children and with SEN;  Leisure activities;  Support available to young people in higher education  Arrangements for resolving disagreements, mediation, parents’ and young people’s rights to appeal to Tribunal and routes of complaint and redress for health and social care.

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Publishing the local offer Local authorities must:  make their local offer widely accessible and on a website  publish their arrangements for enabling those without access to the web to get the information  enable access for different groups, including disabled people and those with different types of SEN

Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration Preparing and Reviewing the Local Offer Local authorities:  must involve children and young people with SEN and their parents in developing and reviewing (co-production)  must involve schools, colleges, health services and others - all must cooperate with each other in development and review.  should have engagement with providers of relevant early years education.  must keep under review the special educational and social care provision available in their area and outside.  must seek and publish comments about the local offer, including those received from or on behalf of children and young people with SEN and their parents

Co-ordinated support - Joint Commissioning There should be joint commissioning by Local Authorities and Clinical commissioning groups. Therefore the local authority will need to: put in place joint commissioning arrangements Including for securing provision in Education, health and care plans arrangements for resolving disputes between parties Planning of individual support assessment process, with children and young people and families at the centre which integrates education, health and care services option of a personal budget for families and young people Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration

Personal budgets Development of an indicative budget for all Education, health and care plans Exploration of funding streams where choice and control can be offered Use of notional budgets and direct payments. Sunderland City Council : Support and Aspiration