The Children and Families Bill Parent/Carer Conference Judith Gainsborough and Hannah Lethbridge Barnet Educational Psychology Team 12 th March 2014
Welcome and Introduction
3Security marking 3 Children and Families Bill Children’s SEN are picked up early and support is routinely put in place quickly; Staff have the knowledge, understanding and skills to provide the right support for children and young people (CYP) who have SEN or are disabled; Parents should know what they can reasonably expect their local school, college, LA & local services to provide, without having to fight for it; Aspirations of families for their CYP is raised through an increased focus on life outcomes; For more complex needs, an integrated assessment and a single Education, Health and Care Plan from birth to 25; and Greater control for parents and young people over the services they and their family use.
4Security marking 4 Children and Families Bill - Key Highlights Involvement of children, young people and parents at the heart of legislation, including assessments and local offers. More streamlined assessment process, which integrates education, health and care services, and involves CYP and their parents. New 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan, replacing Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments, which reflects the child or young person’s aspirations for the future, as well as current needs. New requirement for LA, health and care services to commission services jointly re meeting the needs of CYP with SEN & disabilities.
5Security marking 5 Children and Families Bill - Key Highlights LAs to publish a clear, transparent ‘local offer’ of services for all CYP with SEN, so parents can understand what is available. New statutory protections for young people aged in FE and a stronger focus on preparing for adulthood. Offer of a personal budget for families and young people with a Plan, extending choice and control over their support. SEN duties will apply to Academies and Free Schools. A range of other institutions, including colleges, NMSS and independent specialist institutions will also have SEN duties
6Security marking 6 Barnet – working towards implementation in September 2014 Three new working groups, reporting in to an Education and Skills Project Board ●Local Offer ●Education, Health and Care Plan and integrated assessment process ●Personal Budgets
7 The Draft SEN Code of Practice (0-25) Will:- Be statutory guidance Be shorter, clearer and more concise Cover the new system Include FE colleges for the first time Include information for Health and Social Care professionals (they are named explicitly on the face of the Bill) Include information on the new provisions in the Children and Families Bill i.e. EHC Plans, the Local Offer, Joint Commissioning etc. Include information on the new single category which replaces Early Years/School Action and Early Years/School Action Plus and is known as ‘SEN Support’ Security marking 7
8 8 SEN Support Replacing the current categories of School Action and School Action Plus (and their equivalents in early years) with a single category – SEN Support. Focus on outcomes rather than processes. For those who have SEN and who require support and/or interventions that are ordinarily available in their settings. New SEN Code of Practice to give clear guidance on identifying children who have SEN and on the operation of this new single category of SEN.
The Local Offer
10 Local Offer: key principles of emerging good practice from pathfinders The Local Offer should: be co-produced with parents and young people fully involve services in its development and review (including schools and colleges, CCGs, the VCS and local health organisations) be holistic and cover 0-25 education, training, transport, social care, health and support for employment and independent living make clear how parent, carers & YP can access support and services, Security marking 10
11 Local Offer: key principles of emerging good practice from pathfinders The Local Offer should: ●clarify how decisions are made, by whom, and what to do if things go wrong ●be up to date, written in plain language, and available in a range of formats and locations ●make clear to parents what provision schools and colleges will deliver from their delegated funding and what needs additional funding Security marking 11
12 Progress of the LO Workstream ●Draft local offer framework produced; ●Audit of current services and sources continues; ●Template with questions designed and ready to go out online to services and agencies. ●On-going focus group work by Parent Partnership and parent/carer reps to plan consultation and engagement activities with parents/carers; Security marking 12
13 Progress of the LO Workstream ●Focus groups and social events for young people to gather views on Local Offer; ●Engagement with Bobby Panel and Role Model Army; ●Parent/carer conference on CaF Bill planned for at Hendon Town Hall. SE7 Pathfinder adviser and parent will be speakers. ●Working group of SENCos have met three times to finalise the schools’ offer. Security marking 13
Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and Integrated Assessments
15Security marking 15 Key Points from C&F Bill ●Services to work together to formulate and agree a straightforward plan for the child or young person (CYP) from early years to adulthood (0-25 years) ●Can be initiated by the CYP’s family, school or the CYP themselves (age 16+) ●Must reflect the family/ CYP’s ambitions for the child/themselves and be person-centred ●Must be reviewed regularly to reflect the CYP’s changing needs ●Must provide clarity about responsibility for provision and resources and increase accountability
16Security marking 16 Features of Integrated Assessment and EHCPs ●Clear, concise, readable and accessible ●Focussed on outcomes, specific about provision ●Person centred and based on assessment of current needs, reflecting the CYP’s and parents’ aspirations for the future ●Increased participation of CYP and their parents, who are at the centre of planning
17Security marking 17 Features of Integrated Assessment and EHCPs ●Increased accountability by education, health and care services by clarifying responsibilities and resourcing ●Swifter process than statementing (20 weeks rather than 26) ●‘Forward looking,’ supporting preparation for key transition points ●Specify other types of support where needed e.g. to secure paid employment and independent living
18 Barnet’s Draft EHCP ●Section 1: Personal Details ●Section 2: All About Me ●Section 3: My Plan ●Section 4: Outcomes and Provision ●Section 5: Educational Placement ●Section 6: Resources, Budgets and Accountability ●Section 7: Review Arrangements and Responsibilities ●Section 8: Consent and Authorisation Security marking 18
19Security marking 19 Progress of EHCP Workstream ●Working group meetings; ●Pathfinder learning and best practice; ●Draft EHCP for use in pilot in Summer term; ●Processes, protocols and handbook; ●Audit of available resources.