Lunch & Learn – PMO April 2014 Summary April 1 st April – 30 th June 2014
Lunch & Learn – timetable Monday 14 th April Back to Basics: For staff looking to refresh your project management skills Thursday 17 April What Does Good Look Like? A model project proposal and project planning document Thursday 1st May Q & A Tuesday 13 th May PMO & Engagement Pam Purdue 29 th MayQ & A & Basic Introduction to the PMO Presentation JUNENO LUNCH AND LEARN WAS HELD DURING JUNE
2 Evaluation summary Source:Feedback forms March2014 n=3 Overall Rating Of the session The pitch of the Session was: The length of the session was: “I feel engaged and understand the development of the PMO” I am likely to recommend this session to colleagues: Just right Too High level Too basic Just right Too long Too short Strongly Agree Neither /Nor Disagree Strongly Disagree Extremely Likely Neither /nor Unlikely Extremely unlikely
Who attended? 29 attendees across 5 Lunch & Learn Sessions 1 session being a Q & A session which did not require an evaluation. Roles: Admin Officer Project Support Officer Commissioning Officer Commissioning Manager Heads Of Locality Manager Senior Management Accountant Management Accountant Governance lead Head of Patient Experience Urgent Care Admin Office Community Services Contracting Manager Quality Manager
Comments – positive feedback Good refresher Opportunity to discuss with other participants Overview of project management process Finding out about CCGs planning format Practical exercise with group discussion All of it. Being able to input into the template design. Helpful in understanding new PMO. Discussion. Comfortable forum. Sharing of ideas. Understand more what’s required for CCG proposals and process. Tools provided always help. Time to practically apply the “involvement method”. Focus on ensuring we always engage patients. Clarity on language. Looking at considering different methodologies Having time to share thoughts and ideas and how to put these together using the involvement method. Talking through project examples – involvement method. Methodology decision making matrix Information regarding different ways to engage the public in our services. Information regarding the health panel lay representatives able to assist with our project. Clarification. Having an overview and being face to face made it “live” for me. All of the session was useful as I did not know what the PMO entailed. Good background to PMO and able to get answers to questions.
Comments – even better if.. Would like lunch Very good session – like the interaction. Well presented and run session. Made enjoyable. Very good delivery and tone. Drinks. Examples of what’s been used before would have been useful. Food would have been good. Handouts are useful to make notes. A 1 pager with contact names and number for what would be useful for support on various elements. Very well presented and in a format that was easily understood. Thank you.
The PMO were challenged to… Keep it Simple Keep it Proportionate Remove the Bureaucracy
Successes Engagement – good representation from across roles and departments, FAQs developed, processes in place. Visibility – awareness of PMO widespread. Awareness of benefits of PMO systems and processes. Guidance on how the PMO team and the rest of the CCG can work together Continued increase in clarity on scope, rationale and benefits of existing projects/programmes Process & Templates – finalised: Prioritization Tool / Project proposal / Project Planning Document / Project Closedown Report/ Project Authorization Process / PMO reporting cycle / Financial funding flow / Gateway process
Future Lunch & Learns - Suggestions Maybe specific patient ex. Methodology ?not sure how you would choose though. Equality Impact Assessment Quality
Lunch & Learns - Proposed Monthly lunchtime session - one planned topic Duration - 1 hour Drinks to be provided Monthly to update on evaluation / FAQs / future topics where appropriate Share presentations / resources via /link / website