Sig Fig clicker worksheet practice
John counted out ten dollar bills. A.Exact B.Inexact (measured)
How many significant figures? SF
Which one has more significant figures? cm and cm
Enter the correct answer in clicker ml ml ml = Calculator value= ml Correct rounded value = ml
Enter the correct answer in clicker. 16 cm X 14 cm = Calculator value= 224 cm 2 Correct rounded value = 220 cm 2
Enter the correct answer in clicker m X m = Calculator value= m 2 Correct rounded value = 0.63 m 2
There are 12 eggs to a dozen. A.Exact B.Inexact (measured)
How many significant figures? SF
Which one has more significant figures? 542,000 kg and kg
Enter the correct answer in clicker C – 5.5 C = Calculator value= 5.46 C Correct rounded value = 5.5 C
Enter the correct answer in clicker cm X 14.0 cm = Calculator value= 224 cm 2 Correct rounded value = 224 cm 2
The baker measured 2 pounds of butter and a quart of flour. A.Exact B.Inexact (measured)
How many significant figures? 2,850 3 SF
Which one has more significant figures? g and g
Enter the correct answer in clicker ml – ml = Calculator value= ml Correct rounded value = 5.41 ml
Enter the correct answer in clicker m ÷ 21 s = Calculator value= m/s Correct rounded value = 0.76 m/s
Each box of chocolate contains 16 candies. A.Exact B.Inexact (measured)
How many significant figures? 28,500 3 SF
Enter the correct answer in clicker ml ml = Calculator value= ml Correct rounded value = ml
Enter the correct answer in clicker. 8.6 m X 9 m = Calculator value= 77.4 m 2 Correct rounded value = 80 m 2
Enter the correct answer in clicker m ÷ s = Calculator value= m/s Correct rounded value = m/s
The room is 13 feet by 18 feet. A.Exact B.Inexact (measured)
How many significant figures? 28, SF
Enter the correct answer in clicker kg kg kg = Calculator value= kg Correct rounded value = kg
Enter the correct answer in clicker. 2 g ÷ 3 ml = Calculator value= g/ml Correct rounded value = 0.7 g/ml
Please let me have 5 meters of that ribbon. A.Exact B.Inexact (measured)
How many significant figures? SF
Enter the correct answer in clicker g g g = Calculator value= g Correct rounded value = g
Enter the correct answer in clicker. 8.6 m X 9.0 m = Calculator value= 77.4 m 2 Correct rounded value = 77 m 2
The temperature is 23.4 C. A.Exact B.Inexact (measured)
How many significant figures? SF
Which one has more significant figures? 1282 g and 1,280 g
Enter the correct answer in clicker. 860 m X 90 m = Calculator value= 77,400 m 2 Correct rounded value = 80,000 m 2
Enter the correct answer in clicker g ÷ 3.0 ml = Calculator value= g/ml Correct rounded value = 0.67 g/ml
Determine the number of significant digits in the following numbers: ,000 3 SF 2 SF 4 SF 5 SF 2 SF
Round off the following numbers to three significant digits:
Round of the following numbers to four significant digits
Perform the indicated operation and express your answer to the proper number of significant digits: – x /25.5
Perform the indicated operation and express your answer to the proper number of significant digits: x /5.183