Europe on the Internet A selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Useful websites for European information Contents Searching for European information Legislative, judicial and policy-making information Keeping up to date Information on EU policies and countries Contact information Terminological and linguistic information
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Searching for European information EUROPA EUROPA Search Engine General Search engines (e.g.Google)Google Google Advanced (restrict to EUROPA.EU ) Google Advanced Google Scholar European Commission: Library: ECLAS EU Bookshop European Sources Online
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 The European Union: Legislative Acts Legislative Acts Primary legislation The Treaties Secondary legislation Regulations Directives Decisions Recommendations Opinions
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 The European Union: Judicial Decisions The Courts European Court of Justice (C cases) European Court of First Instance (T cases) Civil Service Tribunal (F cases) Judicial acts Judgments Opinions Orders
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Legislative and judicial information European Commission: EUR-Lex Official Journal COM Docs SEC Docs Directory of Community Legislation Directory of Community Legislation in preparation Simple search LexAlert Eurovoc Consolidated Legislation SCADPLUS: Summaries of legislation European Court of Justice: Case law: CURIA: Search page – Press Releases – Judicial proceedings CURIASearch pagePress ReleasesJudicial proceedings EUR-LEX: Search and BrowseSearchBrowse
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Policy-tracking: Monitoring legislative proposals and other initiatives European Parliament: Legislative Observatory (OEIL) European Parliament: Legislative Observatory (OEIL) European Commission: PreLex
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Policy-tracking: Registers of documents Council of the European Union European Parliament European Commission Comitology Committees [Old Register] Comitology CommitteesOld Register
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Policy-tracking: European Commission
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Policy-tracking: European Commission The European Commission at work Strategic Programme Legislative and Work Programme for 2009 / Annual Policy Strategy for 2009 / Forward programming / Execution report Legislative and Work Programme for 2009Annual Policy Strategy for 2009Forward programming Execution report Annual Management Plans / Annual Activity Report / Synthesis Report Annual Management Plans / Annual Activity Report / Synthesis Report Weekly Commission meeting Budget Financial programming and Budget Next year
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Policy-tracking: EU Presidency Team / Trio Presidency Programmes 18 month Programme of the French, Czech Republic and Swedish Presidencies, July 2008-December 2009 [Trio concept] 18 month Programme of the French, Czech Republic and Swedish Presidencies, July 2008-December 2009Trio concept Presidency Programmes and Websites Czech Republic: EU Presidency, January-June 2009 Programme: Previous EU Presidency websites Info about the Czech Presidency Presidency Conclusions Conclusions of all previous EU Presidencies, 1975-
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Policy-tracking: Council of the European Union Meetings of the Council at Ministerial level Working Party Meetings: Agendas / Reports to meetingsAgendasReports to meetings Agenda of future Council meetings June-Dec 2008 Part 1 / Part 2 List of Council preparatory bodies
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Policy-tracking: European Parliament Activities of the European Parliament Latest information Debates Listen to debates, April EP Live EuroparlTV Minutes Texts adopted Committees
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Keeping up to date: EU sources EU Press Room [RSS feeds for the latest news] EU Press RoomRSS feeds for the latest news European Commission: Press and Communication Service: RAPID [Midday Express / Latest Press Releases] European Commission: Press and Communication Service: RAPIDMidday ExpressLatest Press Releases EU explained General Report on the Activities of the European Union General Report on the Activities of the European Union Bulletin of the European Union EUROPA: Whats New Europe Media Monitor
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Keeping up to date: Non-EU sources EUobserver EurActiv The Parliament.COM / EUBusiness The Parliament.COMEUBusiness Financial Times: European stories Further European newspapers BBC News: European stories Further European broadcasters Euronews – EUX.TV – EbS – EP EuronewsEUX.TVEbSEP Euranet [Radio Network] Euranet
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 News sources providing information on the EU
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Information on European Union policies and countries EUROPA: European Union: Policies European Parliament: FactsheetsFactsheets EUROPA: European countries European Commission: Directorates-General A-Z Index of European Union websites Your Europe – Citizens European Sources Online: Information guides Policies Countries
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Information on European Statistics Eurostat Useful statistical information at a European level can also be found from DG Energy and Transport, Eurobarometer, ECHO, UN:ECE, OECD and the UNs Infonation websiteDG Energy and Transport EurobarometerECHOUN:ECEOECDInfonation
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Information on sources and beneficiaries of EU grants and loans Grants and loans (Guide for period) Beneficiaries of EU funds
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Contacting the EU EU Institutions EU Agencies Contact the European Union Contact the European Union EU: WhoisWho Commission Directory
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Contacting the EU Contact MEPs
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Contacting the EU Information sources: Whom to contact Information sources: Whom to contact Europe Direct The EU in your country The EU in your country
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Contacting the EU Register of Interest Representatives Register of Expert Groups
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 Terminological information Aids for translators IATE: Interinstitutional terminology database IATE: Interinstitutional terminology database Glossary of terms Eurojargon Acronyms and abbreviations Altavista Translation with SYSTRANS Compendium of Translation Software
Training Course: Europe on the Internet European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, November 2008 For further information and help… Visit us: SWEDIC, Guest Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 09:00 – 17:00 Contact us: SWEDIC, Cardiff University, PO Box 430, Cardiff, CF24 ODE, Wales, UK Tel: © SWEDIC, December 2008