Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Implementation of the Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment Christine PEARSON Mushtaq Ahmed MEMON Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Kitakyushu Office 6F, International Conference Center, 6th Floor , Asano, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu City, JAPAN Tel: Fax: URL:
Capacity Development & KIN Identification of emerging and existing challenges BETTER POLICIES BETTER TECHNIQUES BETTER PRACTICES Collection/Analysis of Successful Practices Learning from experiences Analysis of transferability Pilot Projects: Specific practices tested to verify effectiveness and transferability Int’l/local network of researchers/institutes NGOs Bi- & multi-lateral agencies National governments Networks & initiatives LOCAL POLICYMAKERS Communities Modifications To suit local conditions Communication of information: HOW does ICT factor into the implementation of the Kitakyushu Initiative?
Functions of Kitakyushu Initiative Network: How does ICT factor into it? ICT can be a useful tool in augmenting the functions of the KIN: 1. Assistance in preparing and implementing integrated and sustainable development plans and strategies with quantitative indicators 2. Periodical monitoring of implementation and progress in terms of quantitative indicators 3. Promotion of information exchange and sharing of experiences among participating local governments 4. Provision of platform for transfer of technology and know-how packages, good practices and successful models for sustainable development 5. Linkages, catalysation and facilitation of internal and external financial support to international cooperation initiatives of local authorities 6. Facilitation of capacity building activities for environmental administrators in participating local governments 7. Promotion of environmental education programmes 8. Encouragement of the private sector’s participation in infrastructure development and environmental quality enhancement programmes
KIN from Network expansion: 20 members 60 members Substantive progress in local capacity-building on urban environmental management through thematic seminars and trainings as well as pilot projects/activities Successful practices: Useful for possible replication in other cities Quantitative indicators: Used by cities to measure progress Enhanced intercity cooperation Strengthened linkages between local initiatives and international cooperation Focus on the “C” in “ICT”— Enhancing COMMUNICATION between local governments and stakeholders
ICT & KIN: A beneficial relationship Open access to all information (meetings, reports, database of successful practices, pilot activities) Provision of a platform to member cities, international agencies, and other stakeholders to interact Promotion of information exchange and sharing of experiences among participating local governments Kitakyushu Initiative Network website A clearinghouse of information on urban environmental management and an effective tool for networking and information dissemination
Contents of KIN website: Summary What’s New?: Information on recent events and activities, newsworthy items History and Background: How KI came about Network Activities: Basic studies and research: Successful practices, quantitative indicators, questionnaire synthesis Pilot activities: Details on activities conducted under KI (outline, proposals, final reports, updates, other) Meetings & seminars: Network meetings, thematic seminars & trainings, national meetings & seminars Schedule: Calendar of major events in relation to the KI and other worldwide events Successful practices: Database (downloadable reports), reports & links (relevant reports and links to applicable best practice databases from around the world Donor information: Links to the most up-to-date news from various donor agencies Network participants: Information about member cities (links to city websites) FAQ: Info about joining the network Digital forum: Unused, online discussion forum Links: Links to relevant organizations, etc. Downloads: Recently developed section (form letter to join KI, questionnaire, etc.)
Issues regarding the KIN website Access by local governments (internet access + computer literacy) Language, language, language!!! Relevant information = How can local policymakers make practical use of the information provided? Real-time discussions on urban environmental management issues, upcoming conferences/events conduct, of activities (effective use of time and funding)
Suggestions from Stakeholders Network Members Local Stakeholders (civil society, private sector, etc.) International Agencies and Initiatives Secretariat (UN/ESCAP, Japan Government, Kitakyushu City, & IGES)