Erin James Virginia Master Well Owner Network Training October 29-30, 2008 Harrisonburg Virginia Conducting a Drinking Water Clinic
Overview Planning for and conducting a clinic Reporting outcomes and impacts Agent evaluation form Follow-up survey of clinic participants Working with volunteers The VAHWQP website and how to use it 2 NEW!
The DWC Agent Packet Available at or from EJ Information for VAMWON agents USERNAME: hosting.vamwon PASSWORD: wellspring Includes Information about planning Templates for advertising Registration list Details so you can answer participant questions Evaluation form 3
4 Basic Program 1. Kickoff Meeting 2. Sample Collection 3. Sample Analysis 4. Interpretation Meeting
Advertising 5 8+ weeks Consider: Newspapers Fliers Letter to homeowners Radio Home/Ag Shows/Fairs Seek donations or sponsors At this time, contact others to participate: VDH Env Health Spec Local SWCD, NRCS, USGS
Prep for Kickoff Mtg 6 Pre-registration Notify coordinator of anticipated # participants Sample kits prepared at BSE water quality lab: Two sample bottles Questionnaire Sampling instructions Sample kits and coolers shipped to you 2 weeks prior Powerpoint presentations, notes and talking points provided
Kickoff Meeting Brief presentation covering: Common water quality problems in the area Results/turnout from past drinking water clinics HOW to collect a drinking water sample WHEN to collect the sample and drop it off WHERE to drop the sample off Consider handing out fliers with sample collection day, time and location Distribute sample kits and collect payment 7
Frequently Asked Questions What will analysis include? pH, hardness, chloride, fluoride, sodium, sulfate, nitrate, iron, manganese, corrosivity, copper, TDS, total coliform bacteria, E. coli bacteria How many participants per clinic? Our incubator for bacteriological analysis can hold 350 samples How much does it cost? $46. The same analysis a private commercial lab: $ Priceless! Assistance for low-income folks is available through our grant. How does payment/billing work? You collect payment from participants at the Kickoff meeting WQ lab will bill you for entire amount. Pay with an Interdepartmental Service Request (ISR) to be assured the internal rate. 8
Interdepartmental Service Request BSE Water Quality Lab is a cost-recovery center Internal vs. External rates All county offices should have an operating fund code, which is used to set up an ISR, if you don’t already have one. Questions? Contact: Beth Ebel
Sample Collection - Them Instructions Stress instructions must be followed carefully or results are not accurate “Raw” vs. “Tap” / before vs. after treatment Extra samples are an additional $46. DAY and TIME sample is collected are very important – bacteriological analysis must be done within 24 hours of collection 10
Sample Collection - You ICE! Collection day Recommend ~7 am – 11 am collection All sample bottles are numbered. Same number on the questionnaire. Check match before putting bottles in ZIPLOCK bag, THEN cooler. Ice samples immediately. Collect all questionnaires in envelope Drive halfway between Blacksburg and your county to predetermined location to transfer coolers to Water Quality Lab staff 11
Sample Analysis Us (BSE Water Quality Folks) All samples analyzed for 14 constituents Reports compiled and printed Measures to protect confidentiality – IRB approval Takes a total of 4-6 weeks You (Agents) Consider reminding participants of Interpretation Meeting day, time and location Flier/postcard (template in agent packet) 12
Interpretation Meeting BSE folks travel to your county Distribute results to participants Power Point presentation Overview of results as a group Discuss what the numbers mean, compare to public standards Address eliminating possible sources of contamination Introduce treatment options Answer questions Consider inviting VDH, NRCS, SWCD 13
Evaluation and Follow-up Lead agent feedback form Available online at Please complete and return to Erin Statewide impact statement template Follow-up postcard for clinic participants: Will you test water more regularly? Will you change your behavior? Will you talk to others about your experience? 14
Working with volunteers Plan to train 100 volunteers in 2009; 240 total Application and screening process Interest; have well, spring or cistern Not affiliated with a water business Volunteer expectations and policy Attend one-day training; minimum of 70% on post-test Unpaid, volunteer work only General educational advice – no specifics! Willingness to try to educate 100 people 15
VAMWON Responsibilities VAMWON Agents ◦ Conduct county-based drinking water clinics ◦ Educate local private water system owners VAMWON Volunteers can: ◦ Assist VAMWON agents with drinking water clinics ◦ Make presentations to church, service, and civic organizations ◦ Staff information booths at fairs, clinics, ag and home shows ◦ Maintain own water system as a good practices demonstration site ◦ Contribute to VAHWQP newsletter and website ◦ Share innovative education delivery methods with other agents and volunteers ◦ Assist with evaluating program impacts 16
A Quick Tour…our new website! 17