DINO DEEP: Plans for 2009 User council TNO B&O Geological Survey of the Netherlands
This short presentation Assignment Progress in 2008 Plans for 2009
Assignment DINO DEEP three aspects Give users easy access to the Mining Act data Make the data and information produced in the Geo-Information Program publicly available Support the partners in the Geological Survey of the Netherlands, i.e. Advisory Group EA and the mapping of the deep subsurface
Easy access to the Mining Act data Why? To stimulate exploration in the Netherlands (> policy letter 2004) How? since 2007 in co-operation with the big 4 Priorities 1.Basic bore-hole data 2.Scanned logs 3.Directional surveys Core analyses LIS- and LAS-files 4.Reports and research bore-hole data
Progress 2008 Easy access to the Mining Act data Development of DINO-LOGS (LIS and LAS) Log scanning project Development of DINO-CSM (cores and cuttings) More seismic datatypes in DINO-SMC
Easy access to the Mining Act data DINO-LOGS in 2008 In production for internal use since September High-end confidentiality concept is to be implemented (November) Conversion of the files is the main target (October- November) Next step is to link the files to the proper bore-hole (November – 2009) First files available at NLOG (December) LOGS
Easy access to the Mining Act data Log scanning project in 2008 Per ultimo ,000 logs as separate files available at NLOG Remaining NAM logs (>SLIDE-project) zipped and linked to primary bore-holes available at NLOG Winterhall images processed NAM images processed, partially unzipped Scanning of Gaz de France, Total, EBN logs in progress TNO archives: small part of NAM logs to be scanned AST
Easy access to the Mining Act data DINO-CSM in 2008 Data has been converted Application will be in production in November CSM
Easy access to the Mining Act data Seismic data in 2008 Metadata of analogous 2D seismic lines converted (end of October) SEGY from vectorisation of images SMC
Progress 2008 GIP data & information & Support GSN DINO-MAP (maps as tiffs and datafiles) in production New release of DINO-RES (reserves, accumulations): in production November DINO-LIC (licences) in use
Plans for 2009 General Business as usual Improving the architecture of the DINO system Improving the datamodel for all sample related data
Easy access to the Mining Act data Co-operation with the big 4 Expected status per ultimo Basic bore-hole data: fine tuning 2.Scanned logs: in progress 3.Directional surveys:started Core analyses started LIS- and LAS-filesstart in Reports and research datawaiting
Plans for 2009 Easy access to the Mining Act data Completion of the Log scanning project Modest start with scanning of reports from the TNO Archive Implementation of high-end confidentiality Start to monitor Mining Act data supply (workflow management) AST
Plans for 2009 Easy access to the Mining Act data Processing of the directional surveys provided by the big 4 Processing of the (conventional) core analysis data provided by the big 4 BRH
Plans for 2009 Easy access to the Mining Act data Processing of workovers and quality control of well data Implementation of QC-rules for production figures in DINO RES
Plans for 2009 Easy access to the Mining Act data Linking of converted files to the proper bore-hole completed Starting the processing of LIS & LAS provided by the big 4 Extraction of (p, T) data from the files LOGS
Plans for 2009 GIP data & information & Support GSN Development of DINO P&T Maintenance of DINO-RES Production of facies interpretations Production of composite well logs Scanning of the Coal Mine Archives (continued)