Champions Log Book BBC Children in Need 2015
What is Champions of Change? Welcome Champions! Champions of Change is a fundraising challenge run by you, the children! Children across the UK are going to be taking over their schools so they can raise as much money as possible for BBC Children in Need. Are you up for the challenge? Can you raise more money than ever before?
What is the challenge? Your lead teacher can help you along the way but we challenge you to: LAUNCH the programme through an assembly telling your fellow pupils and teachers about the challenge. Put the school’s fundraising ideas into ACTION! Assign a team member to each class to help them with their fundraising and ensure the teachers are teaching at least one of the subjects we have provided for them. They can choose from either Maths, English or PSHE lessons, or you could persuade them to do all three! Next, after all your hard work, it’s time to CELEBRATE with a huge and exciting Celebration of Champions Assembly. Give the classes a chance to show their fundraising efforts and make sure you entertain the school with lots of fun assembly activities. Why not do a dance off? Or a talent show - you could ask your teachers (very kindly) if they would like to do something on stage for charity – perhaps you could throw cream pies at them?!
The Log Book This Log Book contains a step by step guide for planning your school fundraising, from LAUNCH to ACTION to CELEBRATE. With a little help from your Lead Teacher and this Log Book… YOU’RE IN CHARGE. Good luck Champions!
Contents Planning dates Meeting 1 – Planning session Look at the overview of the programme and plan dates for meetings Meeting 2 – The Launch Assembly Plan how to introduce Champions of Change to all the teachers and children Meeting 3 – Communicating with Parents Plan how best to involve parents in the fundraising and raise awareness of the Celebration of Champions Meeting 4 – Encouraging the fundraising Ensure all classes in school will be doing either the two Maths, English or PSHE lessons and decide on their fundraising activity Meeting 5 – Reviewing the fundraising Gather information on the success of each of the fundraising activities (carried out so far) and calculate the money raised Meeting 6 – Planning session Plan your Celebration of Champions Meeting 7 – Champions’ Evaluation Evaluate the programme and make plans for next year
Meeting 1 Agenda (this is your list of things to discuss in the meeting) 1.Log your group names and decide on roles. It would be a good idea to assign group members as class reps to help out with their fundraising in school 2.What is in your Champions Toolkit? You will have to ask your teacher to download and print this for you, along with the video files from the BBC Children in Need website: 3.Plan how you will use the pack contents Launch Assembly Presentation – edit this to use in your Launch Fundraising ideas – use these for inspiration on what you can do to raise money! Celebration of Champions Planning PowerPoint – use this once you’ve done some fundraising to start planning how you will celebrate in school Celebration of Champions Presentation – edit this to show during your final Celebration! 4.Plan your dates for your next meetings 5.Go online to the BBC Children in Need website for more ideas and to download extra resources such as sponsorship forms and event poster templates
Today you will each have a group role But these are all jumbled up! Can you match the names to the descriptions? Your job is to lead the discussion. You are not in charge, but you do decide whose turn it is to speak. You must make sure that everyone has their chance to share their ideas. You are responsible for writing down anything important that the group needs to remember. You can write in note form, as long as you can read your own notes! You will be responsible for sharing the group’s ideas with the rest of the class. Make sure you keep to the point and only include the important information. Your job is to make sure that the group sticks to the time limits set for each task. Make sure they don’t talk for too long about one idea, or get side tracked onto another topic! You are in charge of looking for any possible problems with the ideas that the group discuss. You should always be thinking about what could go wrong with any idea. Your job is to keep making sure that group members are sticking to the task, and that they have done everything that was asked of them. Reporter Recorder Task master Facilitator Questioner Timekeeper
Team of Champions members NameClassGroup roleClass representative E.g. Pudsey BearYear 6AReporterYear 6A
Team of Champions Date Planner MeetingDateLocation 1. Overview 2. The Launch Assembly 3. Fundraising 1 4. Parents 5. Fundraising 2 6. Celebration of Champions 7. Evaluation Here you can decide on the dates for your meetings; allowing you to carefully plan for the fundraising leading up to the Celebration of Champions. As BBC Children in Need 2015 is on Friday 13 November you may choose to have that date for your Celebration of Champions Assembly. You might choose to begin meeting 3-4 weeks before half term to allow yourselves lots of time to raise as much money as possible and plan an amazing event in your school!
Meeting 2 Agenda In this meeting you will plan how to introduce the Champions of Change programme to all the teachers and children in your school. Launch Assembly planning Edit the PowerPoint Familiarise yourselves with the videos PowerPoint run through Decide on speakers / Digital Leader Rehearse!
Meeting 3 Agenda In this meeting you will plan how to ensure that all classes in the school will be undertaking either (or all!) the two Maths, English or PSHE lessons and deciding on their fundraising activity. Speak to individual classes (each group member will become the class rep for their class) Offer ideas to classes who are undecided on their fundraising activity and help them to action their ideas
School Fundraising Timetable ClassFundraising ideaDateLocation E.g. Year 6Bake saleWed 11th NovSchool Hall Here you can gather information from every class in school and record their fundraising plans. Recording dates helps to make sure that nobody is clashing. A copy of this can be displayed on the school notice board/in the staff room. Your Head Teacher may even want to feature it on the school’s website or in the newsletter to parents.
Meeting 4 Agenda In this meeting you will plan how best to involve parents/guardians in the fundraising and raise awareness of the Champions of Change programme Promote the programme on the school website/newsletter Discuss other ideas
Meeting 5 Agenda In this meeting you will gather information on the success of each of the fundraising activities (carried out so far) and calculate monies raised. Record the success of fundraising activities carried out Add up all the donations, sponsors and other monies raised so far
Meeting 6 Agenda You now have the important job of preparing your school's Celebration of Champions. This will not only celebrate the fundraising carried out by children, for children at your school, but also in schools across the United Kingdom! Use the Celebration of Champions Planning PowerPoint and Presentation
Meeting 7 Agenda In this meeting you, the FUNDRAISING CHAMPIONS will reflect on your journey and the Celebration of Champions in your school. What went well? What didn't go so well? You can also make plans to make things bigger and better for next year! Celebrate the success of the fundraising/money raised on social networking sites Create a questionnaire to ask the opinion of the pupils, teachers and parents about the fundraising activity