ICT Information and Communication Technology
Two parts : Core (Compulsory) part Elective part
Compulsory Part Five modules 1. Information Processing, 2. Computer System Fundamentals, 3. Internet and Its Applications, 4. Basic Programming Concepts, 5. Social Implications
Elective Part There are four modules : A. Databases, B. Data Communications and Networking, C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development (offered) D. Software Development.
Elective part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development 1. Multimedia Production 2. Web Site Development
SBA SBA refers to assessments administered in schools and marked by the students’ own teachers. Students have to submit a Project on Elective Module C (Module C : Multimedia Production and Web Site Development)
EDB curriculum development key learning areas Technology Education curriculum documents ICT 20Guide_updated_e.pdf Web Link to Curriculum
Curriculum Guide
Google Data Centre
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