Rotary Foundation Fund Development and SHARE Session 7 DGTM Chapter GOVERNORS-ELECT TRAINING SEMINAR 28 TH November 2007 (Wednesday)
RRFC Dens Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Zones 4B, Wei Lin “Dens” Shao PDG,1999~2000D3520
Sixth RI President Arch C. Klumph established The Rotary Foundation as an endowment in The Rotary Foundation was formally named in 1928 and awarded its first grant in 1929 Following Paul Harris’s death in US$1 million 18 International Graduate Scholarships 1957— the Foundation began recognition of individuals as PHFs - Group Study Exchange program. Matching Grants projects 1978 - Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program 1985—For Rtns, peace is more than a word. it’s a philosophy.PolioPlus program was launched in The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives The Rotary Foundation History
Learning Objectives 1.Understand Foundation resources. 2.Understand fund development and SHARE responsibilities. 3.Develop district and zone teams to fulfill fundraising duties and goals. 0910
Your Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators Zones 4B- RRFC 'Dens’ Wei Lin Shao Zones 6B- RRFC Krishnan V Chari Zones 7B- RRFC Gil E. Divinagracia
RRFC Responsibilities Promote financial support Promote financial support for the Foundation. Promote programs support Promote programs support for the Foundation. Train Rotarians Train Rotarians about the Foundation
How Can RRFCs Help?
How RRFCs Can Help RRFCs are available to Answer Foundation-related questions Help you develop a Foundation seminar Serve as a speaker at any Foundation function Provide Foundation-related information
What other resources can help you with your Foundation responsibilities?
What other resources can help you with your Foundation responsibilities? Trustees of The Rotary Foundation District Rotary Foundation chair and subchairs Foundation staff The RI Web site Assistant governors
Your Zone Team Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (RRFC) Annual Programs Fund strategic advisers (SA) Major Gifts advisers (MGA) Rotary Foundation alumni coordinator (RFAC)
History— Fund Development Volunteer The structure of three senior volunteer leaders : 1.Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (RRFC) 2.Annual Program Fund Strategic Advisor (APFSA) 3.Major Gift Advisor (MGA) To expand this structure to all zones and districts
The Structure of Senior Volunteer Leaders Assistant Governor DRFCC AGSCC Foundation Alumni Resource Group (FARG) Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinator (RFAC) RRFC APFSA MGARFAC DG DGE
Understanding SHARE (20 MINUTES)
Understanding SHARE SHARE SHARE transforms Foundation contributions into Ambassadorial Scholarships, Matching Grants projects, Group Study Exchanges, and more
Would someone please describe SHARE to the group?
SHARE: The Three-Year Cycle The Foundation uses contributions for program activities three years after funds are collected. The three-year cycle gives districts time for program planning and participant selection. The Foundation uses earnings from SHARE’s investment cycle to pay for administration and fund development
SHARE: How it Works Year 1Year 2Year 3 DDF & World Fund
What is the DDF ?
What is the DDF? DDF D istrict D esignated F und 50 percent of district’s total money for Annual Programs Fund raised three years earlier Available for district use
What is the World Fund ?
What is the World Fund? The other 50 percent of district’s total money for Annual Programs Fund raised three years earlier Used for the Foundation’s matching funds in Matching Grants, Volunteer Service Grants, 3-H Grants, and to send out Group Study Exchange teams
As district governor What are your SHAREResponsibilities?
SHARE Responsibilities As district governor, you will be responsible for Raising funds to invest into SHARE Working with your team to plan how the DDF will be used during your year in office Preparing your district for your successor’s year by completing necessary applications
What are some of your other SHARE Responsibilities?
Other SHARE Responsibilities Working with the district Rotary Foundation committee Appointing a district Rotary Foundation committee chair, if necessary, or working closely with the current chair Ensuring that all available money in the District Designated Fund is allocated during your year as governor
Would someone please describe SHARE Planning to the group?
SHARE Planning District Rotary Foundation committee District Rotary Foundation committee chair District governor
How does your district involve clubs in the allocation of the DDF?
How will you work with your district’s Foundation committee (DRFC) ?
What are your fundraising responsibilities?
Fundraising Responsibilities toset fundraising goals Work with clubs to set fundraising goals. to plan the use of the DDF Work with the district Rotary Foundation committee to plan the use of the DDF. EREY Promote EREY at club visits. stewardship Promote stewardship of Rotary Foundation funds. Express appreciation Express appreciation for contributions made by clubs and individuals
Fundraising for The Rotary Foundation Contributions support the programs of The Rotary Foundation and are vital to the ability of our organization to do good in the world
Would someone please describe Annual Programs Fund to the group? to the group?
Annual Programs Fund Supports Foundation programs Vital to the Foundation’s role today Contributions earn Paul Harris Fellow Recognition EREY Contributions support EREY initiative
What are clubs in your district doing to support EREY?
How many of you have clubs in your district that do not contribute to TRF?
How will you encourage these clubs to start giving?
Would someone please describe Permanent Fund to the group? to the group?
Permanent Fund Contributions support long-term sustainability of the Foundation. It supports Foundation programs. Contributors include Benefactors and Bequest Society members. It’s key to the Foundation’s role in the future
Annual Programs Fund Goal Annual Programs Fund goal for : US$120 million
Would someone please describe Strategies for Goal Setting to the group?
Strategies for Goal Setting Discuss club goals with incoming club presidents early (before PETS). Encourage clubs to set their club goals higher than the previous year. Collect Club Goal forms during PETS. Monitor clubs’ progress toward their goals
How will you monitor clubs’ progress toward goals?
What else can you do to reach your Rotary Foundation annual giving goal?
Study clubs’ past giving. Ask every member to participate. Ask major donors to match small donations. Reaching your Rotary Foundation annual giving goal
Divide participants into groups Each group to assign one person to present the group’s ideas Refer to the Foundation resources- earlier in the session. Group Reports Group Discussion
Working with Your Team 1.Who will you work with to set and achieve Foundation goals for your district? 2.Who will you work with to increase contributions to the Annual Programs Fund? 3.Who will you work with to identify Rotarians capable of donating major gifts to the Permanent fund? 4.Who will you work with to monitor your district’s progress toward goals?
Regional Issues Appointment and Term of District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair (DRFCC) the Rotary Foundation Code of Policy (5 MINUTES)
Appointment and Term of DRFCC three-year term DRFCC shall be appointed for a three-year term, subject to removal for cause. the Trustee chairman’s prior approval Any removal for cause must have the Trustee chairman’s prior approval. The DG (if selected) scheduled for each of the years of the three-year term for the DRFCC will participate in the selection of the DRFCC. 1 March This selection should take place and be reported to TRF no later than 1 March. Districts will not have access to DDFs until the DRFCC is appointed
Relationship between the DG and DRFCC a position of responsibility and not a position of power The position of DRFCC is a position of responsibility and not a position of power. 1 st Duty 1 st Duty-With the direct leadership of DG, the chair works with the committee to plan, coordinate and evaluate all district Foundation activities. a member of the DG’s team DRFCC serves as a member of the DG’s team. ex-officio member The DG serves as an ex-officio member of the committee with full voting rights. DG appoints all of the district subcommittee chairs renewable for an additional three-year term. DRFCC is appointed for a three-year term, renewable for an additional three-year term
Regarding the subject of removal for cause It is best for districts to be able to resolve differences at the district level. If the issue is raised to the Foundation level— there are no guarantees that the DG will be supported. It is best if these conflicts are resolved at the district level
Select a new DRFC chair subject to the agreement of the governors for whom the chair will serve during the three year assignment. The current DRFC chair may be reappointed but it must be for a three-year term and agreed to by the governors the chair will serve. Zone 4BD3470Zone 6BD3270 Zone 4BD3490Zone 6BD3280 Zone 4BD3500Zone 7BD3790 Zone 4BD3520Zone 7BD
Resources Member Access Publications ( for Chinese Rtns) The staff at The Rotary Foundation Zones 4B- RRFC 'Dens’ Wei Lin Shaio Zones 6B- RRFC Krishnan V Chari Zones 7B- RRFC Gil E. Divinagracia
1.Understand Foundation resources. 2.Understand fund development and SHARE responsibilities. 3.Develop district and zone teams to fulfill fundraising duties and goals. Review of Learning Objectives