Workshop: Sharing Information Literacy Experiences & Expertise Between the Global North & Global South, University of Antwerp, Belgium, 8 th -19 th December 2014 A Presentation of Lessons Learnt Andrew Mwesigwa Academic Librarian & Ag. Head Digitisation Section Makerere University Library, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa
New IL Tools that Maklib can adopt Use of the exe learning platform to implement assessment before during & after training How to do this Work with (ICT section of the lib which managers the library website) Disseminate to & Train the IL team at Maklib how to use the exe learning platform as well as other aspects of IL, which I have learnt at the workshop
Policy issues at Maklib Steps to integrating IL in curriculum Advocacy at a Strategic Level Graduate & Research Office to make it compulsory for graduate students to take up the Information Competency & Management (ICM) Course (move from an elective) Use existing networks to Lobby e.g. the Library School to integrate IL in undergraduate studies and assess its impact
Implement Existing IL Plan Encourage the Maklib IL team to create a & implement a marketing strategy. Had been discussed earlier with other partners at SLU library Encourage one of the Maklib Librarians to pursue her plan to undertake PhD in library/information work marketing, which will feed into IL work at Maklib
Grounding in the IL theory & practice I feel that my understanding of the theory is better but I will invest more time in self learning the theories as they evolve in order to improve my IL practice E.g. Socio-constructivist theory, etc Do research in this area How these can be applied in my local context and the impact it will have on teaching, learning & research Relate IL aspects in the area of my PhD work (the dynamics of weather information management)
How to sustain IL efforts at Maklib Need to strengthen & coordinate/consolidate IL efforts (Teamwork) Develop capacity, continuous self- improvement plan
Lessons from the E-Information Discovery Workshop Maklib currentlys uses a commercial tool but needs to adopt & develop capacity to work with open source tools as an alternative to the commercial discovery tool, this is for sustainability purposes Examples VUFind Need for Maklib to examine & implement SFX/link resolver concept Maklib to assess the existing e-resources profile (databases & discovery platforms) with a view of knowing areas of improvement I will implement the integration of the IR into the existing discovery tool (have already initiated discussion with supplier of the existing commercial discovery tool)
Acknowledgements I appreciate VLIR-UOS for the funding Makerere University for supporting my Information Work Career and for granting me my annual work leave so that I was able to attend the workshop
Thank you for your attention For networking & joint research/publications in IL Contacts: Or Skype ID: andrewmwesigwa