Major Home Related Public Health Hazards in Georgia Sanjeeb Sapkota, MBBS, MPH Medical Epidemiologist Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) contractor from SciMetrika LLC CDC, Atlanta, Georgia
Co-Authors Chris Rustin, DrPH, MT, REHS Christy Kuriatnyk, MSPH, REHS Forrest Staley, MUP, MCPH
Background People in Georgia, as elsewhere in America, spent more than 90 percent of their time indoor and two third of that time is spent inside homes. Health of an individual is considerably affected by the risk factors and conditions arising from homes. The purpose of this presentation is demonstrate major home related public health hazards in each of the counties across the state of Georgia and discuss their management.
Survey Instrument: Survey Monkey Data collection was made via survey monkey
1.Lead Poisoning 2.Asthma 3.Poisoning from Carbon Monoxide and fuel combustion products (Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Smoke in the dwelling’s atmosphere) 4.Damp and mold growth and mildew 5.Pest Infestation 6.Radon 7.Asbestos, Silica and Man-made mineral fibers (MMF) 8.Structurally unsafe home 9.Injury and falls in home due to structural deficiencies 10.Drinking water related issue 11.Waste and refuse management issue 12.Sanitation and drainage 13.Excess cold and or nonfunctioning Air Conditioning 14.Excess heat and or nonfunctioning Air Conditioning 15.Poor Indoor Air Quality 16.Unsafe storage of chemicals (for cleaning or pest control) 17.Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 18.Noise 19.Other. Please specify _______________________ Questionnaire What are five major public health issues related to healthy homes in your city, county, district, region? Please check five from the list below.
Did your County Receive Funding?
If your County Received Funding, which Area of Healthy Homes was it for?
Summary Mold and mildew are the most prevalent health hazards related to homes in Georgia Lead poisoning is prevalent in counties that have homes built before 1978, but some of these counties do not consider it as a major health hazards. A comprehensive management of health hazards related to homes are effective.
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