Welcome Croeso Cardiff EDC News November 2011
helping you find out about the European Union and the countries of Europe promoting debate about the EU and European issues encouraging you to ask questions, give your opinions and make suggestions to the EU
Details of language courses now available French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish plus Croat, Polish, Russian and Turkish
Cardiff EDC moved in October 2011 into the Guest Extension (just behind our existing location) Telephone & contact details remain the same The move has disrupted the programme of events that we traditionally hold in the autumn semester (ERASMUS Reception & European Film Evening) We hope to hold these events on …
Thursday 2 February 2012 ERASMUS Welcome Reception Thursday 8 March 2012 European Film Night Wednesday 9 May 2012 Europe Day Quiz Forthcoming events at the Cardiff EDC Further details EDC Website
Cardiff EDC Forum Inaugural Meeting 19 January 2011 The new location of the Cardiff EDC Former location in Guest Building New location in Guest Extension Aberconway Building
Cardiff EDC Forum Inaugural Meeting 19 January 2011 Former location New location from 24 October 2011 Temporary entrance until Christmas 2011 The new location of the Cardiff EDC
Cardiff EDC Forum Inaugural Meeting 19 January 2011 The new location of the Cardiff EDC
Forthcoming talks and events in Cardiff with a European theme
The Welsh Government and Partners invite you to attend a Welsh Forum on Europe Towards Europe 2020 How to maximise the opportunities from and influence the new EU Programmes in Wales for 2014 – 2020 Millennium Stadium, Tuesday 15 November 2011 Further details: Tel
Contact: Ian Stafford
Contact: Ian Stafford
Cardiff is named European Capital for Sport Cardiff has been successful in securing the prestigious title of European Capital of Sport The announcement was made by officials from the European Capitals of Sports Association (ACES) at an event held in Valencia this week. It was recognised that Cardiff has firmly established itself as a leading city for sport, offering state of the art stadiums and facilities including the Millennium Stadium, SWALEC Stadium and Cardiff International Sport Stadium. Leader of the Council, Cllr Rodney Berman said: "There is no denying the city already has a fantastic sporting pedigree. Ther e is no den ying the city alre ady has a fant astic spor ting pedi gree. Cardiff has been named European Capital of Sport
In the News… Turku (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia) European Capitals of Culture 2011
In the News… Poland holds the EU Presidency for the period July – December 2011 Website:
In the News… 3-4 November 2011
In the News… 9 November 2011 European Commission announces the new Health and Consumer Programmes for
In the News… 10 November 2011 Autumn Economic Forecast
In the News… 15 November 2011 European Commission to propose new programmes for justice, rights and citizenship
In the News… 15 November 2011 Funding for Home Affairs ( ) announced Asylum and Migration Fund / Internal Security Fund Asylum and Migration Fund and an Internal Security Fund.
In the News… 18 November 2011 Global Approach to Migration and Mobility The European Commission will present a Communication on the future development of a comprehensive European approach to migration issues when dealing with third countries
Travelling around Europe? Find out your rights… Rail – Air – People with reduced mobility…
112 is the common telephone number to ring in ALL EU Member States to get through to the Emergency Services
Recently published reports on topics relating to Wales and Europe…
Click on images to download reports
Looking for information on these subjects or anything else connected with Europe? Please ask EDC staff or use
April 2008 – March 2012 is now freely available to libraries, schools and public bodies in Wales Please ask for details
Sign up to receive information at:
A new electronic one-stop-shop for access to justice information throughout the EU
he UK European Consumer Centre for Services provides general information on consumer laws and rights when buying a service in another EU member state, as well as contact details for organisations that could provide practical assistance in the case of a dispute.
Look out for the launch of… CITZALIA a new virtual role-playing game and social networking forum to boost citizens' understanding of how the EU works
Try out two new educational games from the European Central Bank CONOMIA + INFLATION ISLAND
Welcome to the Youtube space of the European Union
Find out what is happening… Give your opinions
EU Citizenship resources available… Further information
Welsh Members of the European Parliament Jill Evans Kay Swinburne Derek Vaughan John Bufton Click on image to connect to MEPs website
Elections in Europe November 2011 Gibraltar Parliamentary Election 8 November 2011 Spain Parliamentary Election 20 November 2011