Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Ms. Sara Hal l
Objective: Do Now: Activity: Exit Slip: Homework: SWBEAT Define/list: Reasons for the Transatlantic Slave Trade The Transatlantic Slave Trade The Middle Passage The effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade Do Now: Define Trade _________________________________________________________ Activity: Readings in Pairs unitedstreaming clip Exit Slip: Last slide Homework: World History Shorts 1- The Transatlantic Slave trade Napp—The Transatlantic Slave Trade Ms. Sara Hal l
Please label the continents and the oceans Ms. Sara Hal l
Slavery Slavery is the owning of a human being with the belief that they are your property. Slavery has been around for hundred of years. People can become slaves in many ways Be captured in a war To pay off a debt Born into slavery Ms. Sara Hal l
Slavery in Africa: Slaves had rights such as the owner was not allowed to overwork them, they were paid an eventually they could buy their freedom back. Ms. Sara Hal l
The Increased Need for Slaves When the Spanish conquered (took over) land in South America they developed colonies. A colony is a settlement of people from another country in an new country. When the Spanish came to South America they enslaved the Native Americans. They made them work long hours in the fields. Also, the Spanish brought with them disease which along with the harsh working conditions killed the Native Americans. The deaths created the increased need for slaves, so the Spanish turned to Africa to get these slaves. Ms. Sara Hal l
Activity: In pairs, read the assigned passage and describe in your own words: How were the slaves captured? Capture and Enslavement What were the slaves traded for? Traders and Trade What was the Middle Passage like? The Middle Passage Ms. Sara Hal l
How Were the Slaves Captures? The were captured by warring tribes and sold or traded for goods. The slaves, men, women and children were put in chains and put on the dirty ships and sailed across the Atlantic ocean to the Americas. This voyage was called the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Ms. Sara Hal l
Ms. Sara Hal l
The Middle Passage The Middle Passage is the journey from Africa to the Americas. This journey was harsh. People were crammed in the ship, so there was little room to move around. People went with no food, showers or bathrooms. From this many people died during the Middle Passage. Ms. Sara Hal l
Effects Transatlantic Slave Trade 1. The trade encouraged wars between African tribes 2. Africans were striped of the culture and language 3. Increased Cultural Diffusion, which is the exchange of ideas and goods. Traders brought new weapons and goods to Africa, while Africans brought new languages and beliefs to the Americas. Ms. Sara Hal l
Exit Slip: What was it like to be a slave on that traveled the Trans-Atlantic Slave route? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ms. Sara Hal l