Should you choose Excel or Access to manage your data?
The type of data you are managing What you want to do with that data When deciding which program to use, consider:
Excel Works Well with Flat File Data
Performing sophisticated calculations Analyzing complex numerical data Excel works very well when: Creating What-If scenarios Customizing charts
You want to determine a purchase price for a home with a monthly payment of $450.00?
Excel Pivot Tables Summarize and Analyze Complex Data
Excel Supports Many Types of Charts
Managing repeated data Entering large amounts of data Access works better than Excel when… Generating detailed reports
Avoid the Problem of Repeated Data
Access can handle this problem if you break apart different data sets into logical pieces and place them into separate tables
Separate Data into Tables Sales Reps Customers
Multiple Tables can be Related by a Common Field Sales Reps RepID Name Address City State Zip DateHired District Customers CustID Name Address City State Zip RepID Orders InvNumber OrderDate ShippingDate CustID TotalSales
Customized forms in Access enable users to enter data easily and accurately
Related Data Can be Pulled from Multiple Tables One Sales Rep Has Many Customers
Reporting capabilities in Access make it very quick and easy to generate sophisticated reports from tables or queries
Use Excel for:Use Access for: Flat file dataRelational or repeated data Calculations and analysis of numerical data Data entry for large data sets Customized chartsRelational forms What-if scenariosDetailed relational reports Compare Benefits of Both Excel and Access