Section of Notional “Rho-Cee” WEC for Portugal Reinforced concrete structure Dimensions in feet Resonant Center Periods 5.2 sec (42m) 6.9 sec (74m) 8.8 sec (121m) Composite concrete floats Hydraulic power take-off Cylinder support structure TBD 28 kW/m average output 60 kW/m (?) rating Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit
~1/6 th scale “Rho-Cee” being prep’d for absorption test at Ohmsett facility Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit
Generic ρC – Scalable: L ~ T 2 Three one/third Octave Bands dimensions in feet Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit
Yearly Cost Function – very preliminary $/m = [ 17.07(T m / T r ) (T m /T r ) 2 ] x *kW x maintenance 5.5% for 15 yrs for average input power T m, max band period T r, ref T, here 12.5 sec PTO & WEC structure alone $/m 3 reinforced concrete structure bulkheads partitions 5.5% for 20 yrs Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit
Waves, Wind ± 60 ° calm Extending the Wind Turbine support provided by the PSP “span”: 1040m; WT spacing: 200m (extendable-leeward); rotor diameter: 90m; ρC length: 1200m WT rating: 3MW; ρC rating: 30kW/m; 200m dock; struts: 200m x 15’ concrete culvert pipe, w/rails estimated total “foundation” cost: $1677/kW Total Power Rating: 72MW WAG Total Cap Cost Est: $300M PE Storage: ~12MW-Hr, cold ρC / PSP Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit
A Possible Arrangement of 3 - 1km floating Rho-Cee WEC Breakwaters to Protect the Columbia River Bar Passage (subject to many considerations) (Note: The scale on the chart appears bogus!) Produced energy to pay for the project ! Blue Tech & Blue Economy Summit