Postpaid IN Services ITPC Team, South Data Centre, Hyderabad
Scenarios 1. IN Service Creation 2. IN Service Offline Order Creation 3. IN Service Modification 4. IN Service Disconnection 5. Complaints on IN Service 6. Billing Adjustments
The following IN services can be created in CDR 1. Toll free IN service 2. Universal Access Number Similar to any order creation in CRM, CSR after entering required details in the order, will submit it to ROIN (specific user for IN ) in CRM. ROIN User will create the service in IN and enter the IN number in the order and submit it to billing system. These IN transactions will not go to Clarity application. Based on the feed received from IN, bill will be generated.
Following 3 scenarios are available 1. Creation 2. Modification 3. Disconnection The Offline Order can be created for the existing IN Services Dunning of IN service is not implemented Addition/deletion of destination numbers is possible Technical complaints can be booked for IN services The billing adjustments for Rental/Usage Charges can be done
IN Service Creation 1. The CSR has to create the Customer Id and Billing Account 2. Go to Orders Screen and click on “IN” 3. Click on “New” button. Order Number, Order Type, Order Sub Type, Service, Service Sub Type and Connection Type fields are auto populated. 4. Capture the Customer Id and Billing Account using the pick applets. 5. Enter the Service Sub Type, Usage Code and documents to be collected. 6. Press Ctrl+S. The record is saved. 7. Click New in Line Item view.A new record is created and is highlighted in yellow color.
8. Select Product and Save it. A new Line Item is created for the Order 9. Click Customize. The Product Configurator View appears 10. Select plan and click on ‘Done’. 11. Go to Destination Numbers View and Click New button and enter the Zone and Destination number. press Ctrl+S. Note: 1. A maximum of five Destination numbers can be given for a single IN Service. 2. While creating destination numbers at least one number from that particular zone should be present
12. Click on Validate. A browser script message will be displayed and If you want to proceed click on OK else click Cancel. 13. After clicking on ‘OK’, a popup message appears as ‘Validations are successful’. 14. Click on demand note. The amount will be generated and is displayed in ‘Total amount’ field. 15. After making payment Receipt number will be populated 16. Click “Assign to ROIN” button, an activity will be created in activities view and is assigned to ROIN. 17. ROIN of that SSA receives an alert in the Home Page of the CRM application.
18. Login to the application with ROIN credentials and Click Alert #. The IN Orders Activities View appears 19. Before approving the activity,enter mandatory fields : IN Service Id,Postpaid IN Date and IN Service features at line item level(in line item view) E.g. For TollFree and UAN : 1800-XYZ-ABCD-XY OR 1800-XYZ- ABCD-X OR 1800-XYZ-ABCD
20. Click Approve. A message appears as request is Approved and the status of the Activity changes to Approved 21. Click submit. The order gets submitted successfully and the activation date of the destination numbers will be populated. 22. ‘Milestones’ View is used to track of the status of the order after it has been submitted in CRM to the downstream systems like the Billing system.
IN Offline Order 1.Click on 'New' Button to create new order. 2.To create offline order select the offline order flag as 'Y' and provide the postpaid IN Date. 3.For Offline orders, Postpaid IN Date is given while creating order. The Postpaid IN Date should be less than the order date and greater than the Billing account activation date 4.Further process is same as the normal IN Order
IN Modify Order Possible scenarios 1. Change of Plan 2. Changing destination numbers Procedure 1. Go to “Services”, enter the Service Id and Click on ‘Go’. 2. Click on the ‘Account Name’. The Account Summary view appears. 3. Select order sub type as “Change in Service”(No other sub type is allowed for IN Modify Orders). 4. Click on ‘Modify’. The Order Detail List view appears. 5. In the Order Detail List view, the billing account field is editable. The billing account can be changed if needed.
6. Go to ‘Line Items’ & Click on ‘Customize’. Carry out the plan change and Click on ‘Done’. 7. Click on ‘Validate’. A message showing validations successful appears. 8. Click on Assign to ROIN, an activity will be generated for ROIN of that SSA. 9. Once ROIN user approves the request the ‘Submit Order’ button will be enabled. 10. On submitting the order, it will hit Billing and gets completed in CRM.
Change in Destination Number 1. Raise ‘Change in Service’ order on the IN Service. 2. The CSR can change the destination numbers in the ‘Destination Numbers’ view by inactivating the previous numbers and adding the new numbers. 3. Once the order is submitted, the order won’t hit billing system and gets completed in CRM internally. The inactivation date will be populated for the deleted Destination numbers and the Activation date will be populated for the new Destination numbers.
IN Disconnection 1. Go to “Services”, enter the Service Id and Click on ‘Go’. 2. Click on the ‘Account Name’. The Account Summary view appears. 3. Select order sub type as “Disconnect” and Click on ‘Disconnect’. 4. IN Retention Activity will be created and assigned to ROIN belonging to that SSA 5. The ROIN user has to enter the Disconnection reason and approve. 6. Once Approved, the ‘Submit Order’ button will be enabled. Click on the ‘Submit Order’ button, the inactivation date will be populated for the active destination numbers
Complaints for IN Service 1. Technical Complaints 2. Billing Complaints Technical Complaints 1. Go to “Trouble Tickets” screen and Click on New Button, a new record will be created 2.Provide the IN Service Id in the Service Id field.After giving the service Id,Customer Id, Account Name, Billing Account,Service Type, Service Subtype and contact name are auto- populated. 3.Provide the contact number and select the complaint type as technical and then select complaint subtype and save the record(ctrl+s)
4.After saving the record click on 'Docket#' field and it will be redirected to another view to submit the complaint. 5.To submit the docket click on submit button, the docket will be assigned to ROIN based on the SSA. 6.An Alert 'IN Alert' will be sent for ROIN to close the docket 7.From the Alert the ROIN Can go to the Complaints view and close the docket by providing reason.
Billing Complaints 1. Go to “Trouble Tickets” screen and Click on New Button, a new record will be created 2.Provide the IN Service Id in the Service Id field. After giving the service Id,Customer Id, Account Name, Billing Account,Service Type, Service Subtype and contact name are auto- populated 3.Provide the contact number and select the complaint type as Billing and then select complaint subtype and save the record(ctrl+s) 4.After saving the record,click on 'Docket#' field and it will be redirected to another view to submit the complaint. 5. Click on submit button, the docket will be assigned to Primary AOTR of that SSA.
7.Alert will be sent to AOTR to Approve the request and the complaint will be resolved.
Adjustments for IN Services Billing Adjustments can be raised from 'Adjustments' in Billing Accounts Screen Only Billing Adjustments can be raised for IN Services Two types of Billing Adjustments for IN Services (1)IN Rental Charges (2)IN Usage Charges In the Billing Adjustments in 'Adjustments' create a new record and provide the Invoice Id, Service Id as IN Service Id, request amount and type and submit the request Request will be assigned to Primary AOTR of the SSA and alert will be sent for AOTR After approving the request, the request status will be approved
Q)While creating new IN service, whether the existing Customer ID can be used (For example TVM SSA has around 50 such numbers which are already billed manually from CDR using data manually taken from IN). For such cases, whether the existing customer ID can be used, instead of creating a new customer ID. (Eg: cust ID ). A) Yes. The existing customer id and Billing account can be used for creating the IN Service. But, disconnect the existing LL Asset available in CDR first (Which is actually an IN Connection as per the previous flow). for example, raise disconnection order for and complete it in dummy fashion. But if the customer wants to have Landline also then don't raise disconnection order. Simply create a new IN Service in CDR.
Thank You ITPC Team, South Data Centre, Hyderabad