Kensuke’s Kingdom Michael Morpurgo By Amy Kennedy
Listen very carefully Because there will be A quiz at the end!
Chapter 1 Peggy Sue I disappeared on the night before my twelfth birthday. I went on a exciting boat journey around the world on the 28 July 1988.I went with my dog Stella Artois.
Water, Water everywhere Chapter 2 Water, Water everywhere I set off on my exciting boat journey around the world. My mother was taking lots of photos and videos. I had my fingers crossed that my mum and dad would forget all about the schoolwork. FACT Water takes up two thirds of the Earths surface.
Chapter 3 Ship’s log It was five in the morning and I'm on watch in the cockpit. No one else is awake except me. We left Southampton ten days ago now. We saw gannets sliding into the sea all around us this afternoon but then………We saw Africa! It was unbelievable. Mum said it was in the distance and said it was definitely it.
CHAPTER 4 Gibbons and Ghosts The terrors came fast, one upon another. We are just floating around in the water.(Me, Stella and my ball which I was clinging to.)I knew there could be no hope. I would either be eaten alive or drown slowly. Then by my surprise I woke up on a island with a man called Kensuke.
Chapter 5 I, Kensuke He was diminutive, no taller than me, and a very old man. He didn’t wear anything but a pair of tattered breeches bunched at the waist, and a large knife in his belt. He kept shouting Dameda! Dameda! It sounded like Chinese maybe Japanese. Then Stella started barking at him and then started bounding towards him. Every night I kept watch out for the Peggy Sue if they came back for me but I really don’t know if that will happen;(
Abunai! Chapter 6 In an instant I was on my feet, shouting at the top of my voice and waving frantically I'm here! I'm here! Until I lost my voice and I could shout no longer. Then there was a typhoon that I was witnessing. I hoped that it had passed my mum and dad.
Chapter 7 All that silence said I smelt vinegar and thought I was at home. My father always brought us fish and chips for supper on Fridays and he loved to soak his in vinegar-the whole house would stink of it the whole evening. Then I opened my eyes. I was not at home I was in a cave but not my cave. I could not move. I could move nothing but my eyes. I don’t know for how many days I lay there, drifting in and out of sleep and whenever I woke Kensuke was always there. He told me that I had been stung by a large beastly jellyfish.:(
Everyone dead in Nagasaki Chapter 8 Everyone dead in Nagasaki Kensuke pushed us off in his very ‘safe’ boat that he made himself. We went fishing. Clutching my beloved football, and with Stella at my feet, I sat waiting him to begin his story. I knew it was better than to pester him. The fishing came first. Then about his life in Tokyo and his wife Kimi and son Michiya. And after that about the war.
The night of the turtles Chapter 9 The night of the turtles There fell between us a long and aching silence. I wrote a letter in a bottle hoping my mum and dad would get it because I wanted to tell them that I am still alive. He awoke me at night and brought me down the beach to see something. I don’t know what. When we went down there I knew what he was showing me but why? I thought it was a crab at first but it was a minuscule turtle. He told me they were endangered.
Killer men come Chapter 10 The storm was here and the forest had flooded already. It was really scary. Then I heard a noise. Kensuke said it was the killer men but I said it looked exactly like the Peggy Sue and after I waited I realised that it was them because I saw my mums blue cap. They came back for me!
Its Quiz Time:) 1.When did Michael set off around the world? 2.How much water takes up the earths surface? 3.What did he smell when he thought he was at home? 4.In the end was there a storm in the forest? 5.What did Michael and Kensuke do together when Kensuke told Michael his story?
How many did you get right? 1.1988 2.two thirds 3.vinegar 4.yes ANSWERS or
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