Standard 9A – Compare the structures and functions of different types of biomolecules. Essential Question What part does basic chemistry play in the structure biomolecules?
Intro to Biochemistry *THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE…
Just as buildings are made from bricks, steel, glass, and wood, living things are made from chemical compounds. For this reason, to truly understand living things, we must also have an understanding of chemistry.
1. Biochemistry…The Basics Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space Atom: basic units of matter Molecule: two or more atoms bonded together Element: matter made of only one type of atom
Imagine going to an ice cream store. Let's say that they have 30 different flavors of ice cream. Those are elements, the things that I have available to build my dessert from. The smallest amount of ice cream that the store will sell to me is a scoop. This is an atom. If I want, I can put two or more scoops of ice cream together. This is a molecule. If my molecule has more than one flavor of ice cream, I can call it a compound. Atom Molecule/Compound
Elements we need to Recognize: C = Carbon H = Hydrogen O = Oxygen N = Nitrogen P = Phosphorus
Bonds, bonds, bonds! Molecules are atoms bonded together. The bond stores energy. When that bond is broken, energy is released. More bonds = More energy!!
How do bonds form and break?
2. Chemical Reactions Chemical reaction = the process by which atoms bond together or break apart. A chemical bond occurs when two or more elements react together to form a chemical compound (molecule). The compound is unique from its parent atoms.
Chemical equation: How scientists describe a chemical reaction. Reactants : what goes IN to the chemical reaction, left side of arrow Products : what is produced from the reaction, right side of arrow ( Reactants ) ( Products ) 2Na + Cl 2 2NaCl
There are several important types of reactions that occur everyday Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
There are several important types of reactions that occur everyday
Cooking Batteries
There are several important types of reactions that occur everyday Detergents
3.Macromolecules A. Macromolecules = large molecules made from smaller molecules. B. Polymer (many parts) macromolecule made up of many smaller, repeating molecules. C. Monomer (one part) is a single unit which is bonded together to make polymers. The repeating structure Monomers make polymers Mono- One Poly- More than one
There are two types of reactions important to making monomers and polymers
1. Dehydration synthesis = polymers are formed by removing water.
2. Hydrolysis = breaking down polymers into monomers by the addition of H 2 O. Hydro=water Lysis=cut
4. Organic chemistry : the study of compounds that contain carbon atoms. Organic = contains carbon Inorganic = does NOT contain carbon
B. There are four types of organic compounds found in living things…
1. Carbohydrates
B. 2. Lipids
B. 3. Proteins
4. Nucleic Acids
Shoulder Partner Exercise… What is the Monomer that makes up the following Polymers…..
What is the monomer in the above polymer pictured?
What is the monomer in the above polymer pictured?
What is the monomer in the above polymer pictured?
What is the monomer in the above polymer pictured?
What is the monomer in the above polymer pictured?
What is the monomer in the above polymer pictured?