Ian Eardley Surgical Director of ISCP Changes to the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme
The new Surgical Curricula ISCP Website changes
Surgical Curricula Approved in 2007 Competence based Written as run through curricula Used MRCS to assess early years training – Although the syllabus for the MRCS exam was not blue- printed to the curriculum
Since 2007 ….. MTAS, Tooke Report – Decoupling for many specialties – Regional variations in Programme structure PMETB Standards for Curricula – Explicit blue-printing of assessment to curriculum AoMRC templates on Leadership and Core Competencies needed incorporation
Challenges for the New Curricula Flexible enough to accommodate both run-through and decoupled training Assessment system that mapped to the curriculum (especially wrt Core training) Incorporate an enhanced emphasis on basic surgical sciences Incorporate generic Academy curricula regarding Leadership and Core competencies
So what has changed in 2010? 1. Structure of early years training 2. Early years syllabus 3. Definition of knowledge level in early years 4. Professional Behaviour and Leadership Syllabus 5. MRCS 6. MRCS(ENT) 7. Intermediate and Final stage General Surgery 8. Head and Neck special interest module in 3 disciplines 9. Workplace based assessments
Structure of Core Surgical Training Most specialties requested up to 3 years of core surgical training PMETB dictated that Core training be 2 years Programmes structure determined by Schools of Surgery and are either themed or generic
The Current Curriculum FY 1 CT 1CT 2 CCT Generic FY 2 ST 3ST 4ST 5ST 6ST 7 Selection Assessed by MRCS and WPBA Assessed by FRCS and WPBA ST 8 ST 2ST 1 Some regions and specialties
Core Surgical Syllabus 1. Basic Science Knowledge relevant to surgical practice 2. Common surgical conditions 3. Basic surgical skills 4. The principles of assessment and management of the surgical patient 5. Peri-operative care of the surgical patient 6. Assessment and early treatment of the patient with trauma 7. Surgical care of the paediatric patient 8. Management of the dying patient 9. Organ and tissue transplantation 10. Professional behaviour
Early Years Knowledge and Clinical skills levels TopicPossible Textbook or other educational resource AnatomyLast's Anatomy: Regional and Applied (MRCS Study Guides)Last's Anatomy: Regional and Applied (MRCS Study Guides) by R.J. Last and Chummy S Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 4 th Edition Saunders- Elsevier ISBN PhysiologyGanong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition (Lange Basic Science) PathologyRobbins Basic Pathology: Robbins Basic Pathology: by Vinay Kumar MBBS MD FRCPath, Abul K. Abbas MBBS, Nelson Fausto MD, and Richard Mitchell MD PhD
Professional Skills and Leadership Based around principles of GMP – Good clinical care – Being a good communicator – Teaching and training – Keeping up to date – Manager – Promoting good health – Probity and ethics
MRCS Now blueprinted to generic component of early years curriculum OSCE (Part B) expanded to 18 stations – Stations re-configured to four broad content areas
MRCS (ENT) MRCS Part A 4 hour MCQ (Applied Basic Sciences and Principles of Surgery in General) DO-HNS Part 2 OSCE MRCS (ENT)
Specialty Curricula All underwent minor changes However, General Surgery underwent a significant re-write – 4 stages, each of 2 years Early years Intermediate: Elective and emergency general surgery Final I:Specialist surgery Final II:Specialist surgery
Website Changes April and May 2010 : Version 6 – Significant functionality changes August 2010: Version 7 – Incorporation of the new surgical curricula January 2011: Version 8 – Incorporation of OCAP
So what has changed in 2010? 1. Structure of early years training 2. Early years syllabus 3. Definition of knowledge level in early years 4. Professional Behaviour and Leadership Syllabus 5. MRCS 6. MRCS(ENT) 7. Intermediate and Final stage General Surgery 8. Head and Neck special interest module in 3 disciplines 9. Workplace based assessments