Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Police Authority Performance Summary September 2009 Chief Constable Stephen Otter
Force Performance Targets April August 2009
Public Confidence - BCS 51.4% of respondents to the British Crime Survey (12 months to March 2009) answered ‘strongly agree’ or ‘tend to agree’ when asked ‘The police and local council are dealing with the ASB and crime issues that matter in this area’. National Position: 10/43MSG Position: 2/8
Public Confidence - BCS “The police and local council are dealing with the ASB and crime issues that matter in this area” 51.4% of respondents to the British Crime Survey (12 months to March 2009) answered ‘strongly agree’ or ‘tend to agree’ when asked ‘The police and local council are dealing with the ASB and crime issues that matter in this area’. National Position: 10/43MSG Position: 2/8
Public Confidence - BCS Supplementary Questions
Public Confidence - Public Survey “The police and local council are dealing with the ASB and crime that matter in this area” 12 Months to July 2009: 78.8% 78.1% 81.0% 78.1% Force: CIOS BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: One-year Milestone Target: To exceed 84% of respondents to the public survey who agree that ‘The police and local council are dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime that matter in this area’
Visible Targeted Foot Patrol Communication: Website Newpapers Local Media Posters Community Messaging Engagement - PACT Ease of Contact With Police Problem Solving Fairness 2012 Programme: Mobile Data CST Command & Control Ops Policing Strategy People Strategy Public Service Strategy Public Confidence Activity Indicators
User Satisfaction Whole Experience (Burglary, RTCs,Vehicle and Violent Crime) One-year Milestone Target: To exceed an 86% level of victims who are satisfied with the overall service provided by the police 12 Months to Aug 2009: Force: CIOS BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: 84.3% 84.4% 84.1% Three-year Target: To deliver our services in line with the content and spirit of the policing pledge
User Satisfaction Ease of Contact (Burglary, RTCs,Vehicle and Violent Crime) One-year Milestone Target: To exceed a 94% level of victims who are satisfied with the ease of contacting someone who could assist Force: CIOS BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: 95.2% 95.5% 94.8% 95.1% Three-year Target: To deliver our services in line with the content and spirit of the policing pledge 12 Months to Aug 2009:
User Satisfaction Whole Experience (Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents) One-year Milestone Target: To exceed an 80% level of victims of ASB incidents who are satisfied with the overall service provided by the police Force: CIOS BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: 79.8% 80.0% 79.7% 12 Months to Aug 2009: Three-year Target: To deliver our services in line with the content and spirit of the policing pledge
User Satisfaction Whole Experience (Racist Incidents) One-year Milestone Target: To exceed an 86% level of victims of racist incidents who are satisfied with the overall service provided by the police Force: CIOS BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: 79.2% 84.1% 77.8% 78.2% Three-year Target: To deliver our services in line with the content and spirit of the policing pledge 12 Months to Aug 2009:
2012 Programme: Mobile Data CST Command & Control Ops Policing Strategy People Strategy Public Service Strategy Action Plans: Racist Incident Plan “You Matter We Care” Keep Victims Informed Practical help given – e.g. securing property, helping people to get home, etc. Explaining what is going to happen and why Offer advice – e.g. crime prevention, Informed of progress without asking User Satisfaction Activity Indicators
2009/10 One Year Target To deliver a positive outcome in at least 33% of all offences with an expectation that of this 30% of all crimes will be brought to justice = Positive Outcomes Restorative Justice Offences Brought To Justice %1.9%32.1% Offences Brought to Justice - Conviction, Caution, Taken into Consideration, Penalty Notice for Disorder, Final Warning Restorative Justice - Youth and Adult: 804 disposals April to August Lead Indicator - Sanction Detection: 29.5%
Serious Acquisitive Crime Rolling 12 Month Performance One-year Target: To achieve a reduction of at least 2% in Serious Acquisitive Crime April to August 2009: Force: Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: -15.6% -4.4% -35.5% -9.6% Force: Robbery: Domestic Burglary: Theft of Vehicle/TWOC: Theft from Vehicle: -8.9% -22.9% -23.8% -9.3% Three-year target: To be one of the 10 Forces nationally with the lowest levels of Serious Acquisitive Crime (Currently 6th)
Serious Violent Crime Rolling 12 Month Performance One-year Target: To achieve a reduction of at least 15% in Serious Violent Crime April to August 2009: Force: CIOS BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: +68.4% % +54.3% +40.1% Three-year target: To be one of the 10 Forces nationally with the lowest levels of Serious Violent Crime (Currently 27th) Serious Violent Crime Force: CIOS BCU: Plymouth BCU: Devon BCU: -8.8% -13.2% -5.0% -8.1% Assault (Less Serious Injury)
Positive Outcomes and Reducing Crime Activity Indicators Top 10 License Premises Offender Profiling Night Time Economy Targeted Visible Foot Patrol 2012 Programme: Mobile Data Crime and Intelligence PND Ops Policing Strategy Public Service Strategy People Strategy Action Plans Serious Violence
Road Traffic Casualties Number of people killed or seriously injured in RTCs April - July Current YTD Force Performance (Apr 09 - Jul 09) = 1.24 people killed or seriously injured/100m Vehicle Km travelled compared to 1.50 during the same period a year earlier.