All Wales Hate Crime Research Project Mair Rigby Project Officer
Definitions Hate Incident: Any incident, which may or may not constitute a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate Hate Crime: Any hate incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate - Association of Chief Police Officers (2005)
Hate Crime “Hate crime is a manifestation of, and a means of sustaining, discrimination against certain groups in our society” “Hate Crime instills fear in victims, groups and communities. It significantly impacts on the quality of peoples’ lives and leads them to change their habits and lifestyle as they seek to avoid becoming victims”. Rt Hon. Alan Johnson MP, Hate Crime: The Cross- Government Action Plan (2009)
Forms of Hate Crime Racist Hate crime Religion and faith-based hate crime Disability Hate Crime Homophobic Hate Crime Transphobic hate crime
Aggravating Factors Sentencing for any crime may be increased if it can be proved that hostility towards the following was a motivating factor: Race Religion Disability Sexual orientation Transgender
All Wales Hate Crime Research Project 5 year Project Plan Funded by the Big Lottery for 3 years Partners: Race Equality First (Voluntary Sector Partner) Cardiff University (Research Partner) Cardiff and the Vale Equalities and Human Rights Network (Project Partners)
Need for the Project? Hate crime appears to be rising in Wales, but remains massively underreported Few perpetrators are brought to justice Lack of robust evidence base Victims feel disempowered Lack of confidence in/awareness of criminal justice system and support services Need for data that is specific to Wales
Research Phase 1: Quantitative survey of 4,000 -7,000 respondents Phase 2: qualitative interviews Distribution of preliminary findings Phase 3: Launch of report and campaign
Outcomes Robust data for use in policy development, lobbying and fundraising Increased capacity of organisations in Wales to respond to and tackle hate crime All-Wales anti-hate crime campaign launched
Hate Crime and Housing Why is hate crime an issue for housing? Neighbour disputes Anti-social behaviour Property damage Repeat incidents and escalation People asking to be moved Retaliation
Policy Have clear policies and procedures on hate incidents which are promoted to tenants Take a victim-centred approach Commit to taking certain actions Monitor hate incidents Train staff to recognise hate incidents and ask questions sensitively
Raise Awareness Include information in leaflets, posters, tenant’s handbooks, newsletters, website, meetings Promote the work of other agencies e.g. Stonewall Cymru, local Race Equality Council Offer a variety of reporting methods Consider becoming a third party reporting centre
Work with Police, CPS, local authorities, community safety partnerships, Victim Support and local voluntary organisations Find out if there’s a multiagency hate crime partnership in your area. If not, consider setting one up Partnership working
What support/information do you need to be better able to address hate incidents/crimes?