Part 1: Defining Racism Part 2: Racism in Public Policy Part 3: Racism & Violence SESSION: INSTITUTIONAL RACISM
For the next part of this conversation, we will break up the work in three parts to make it easier for you to process information: WHAT THIS WILL LOOK LIKE: Part 1: Defining RacismPart 2: Racism in Public Policy Part 3: Racism & Violence Here, we start to define the term itself in two parts: Individual Racism Institutional Racism Our focus will be Institutional Here, we look at how laws have impacted racism across the U.S. Focus on three examples of racist policy: “Sundown Towns” Restrictive Covenants Anti Miscegenation Laws Here we look at the impact of violence and racism: Focus on: Lynchings
To start off, you are now going to take a short survey: Is this racism? Survey Identify if the following statements are examples of racism: Circle Yes or No- Begin by answering these by yourself, then discuss with person next to you, finally we will discuss these as a class 1. The belief that all African-Americans are lazy and are on welfare- Yes or No 2. The University of California Davis Medical School denying admission to a student based on race and/or ethnicity -Yes or No 3. An Arab-American student who is stopped by airport police for suspected terrorist activity- Yes or No 4. A Mexican father who does not allow his daughter to date a young man from El Salvador- Yes or No 5. An employer who hires the young white woman over the African American woman even though they have same qualifications for job- Yes or No PART 1: DEFINING RACISM
How would you define racism? What conditions, variables, factors, or circumstances are needed in order for there to be racism? Take 2 mins on your own to define racism right now: SW Partner check in- 1 min each Bringing definitions out to the floor… QUESTION(S) TO CONSIDER:
Individual Racism How would you describe this? Institutional Racism How would you describe this? RACISM: DEFINITIONS… “Stupid wetbacks taking all our jobs!”
The Fancy Definition: System (rules) or procedures/patterns in all walks of life, i.e. education, housing, businesses, employment, professional associations, religion, media, etc., whose effect is to perpetuate (support) and maintain the power, influence and well-being of one group over another. Take 1 min to annotate the definition and pick out: Key words Adjectives or verbs that are important FOCUS ON: INSTITUTIONAL RACISM
Institutional Racism is about WHERE, WHO, & HOW it is happening: Visuals to Process HERE’S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE:
For us to SEE racism a little better, let’s consider this idea: The Telescoping Effect of Racism HOW DOES THIS WORK?... Attitudes Beliefs Self Interest (Individual Racism) Church Labor Legal Health Economics Education Political Housing (Institutional Racism) Aesthetics Religion Music Philosophy Values Needs Beliefs (Cultural Racism)
We will now see what the numbers can tell us about Institutional Racism: What do these numbers tell you about our level of institutional racism in the U.S.? Time for you to make some conclusions : You’ll be looking at: Prisons Universities Drug Charges Business TAKING A LOOK AT DATA…
SO what does this mean? What are you thinking right now? In looking at institutional racism, what is the lowest common denominator that guides this behavior? How would you define power? How does power work? How does power impact the people underneath it? Let’s take a look at power in Ferguson, MO. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver WRAPPING HEADS AROUND THIS…
What you are doing today: Reviewing race, racism, and institutional racism definitions Analyzing THREE primary source documents that demonstrate how institutional racism has worked in the past You will be working in pairs to do the reading and analysis You will be demonstrating your understanding of institutional racism through the document analysis in an exit slip by responding to several questions PART 2: INSTITUTIONAL RACISM DOCUMENT ANALYSIS
I will be showing you a series of pictures For every picture, with your partner identify if the picture demonstrates either: 1.Race 2.Racism 3.Institutional racism We will then talk about your reasons to make sure the language is comfortable in your heads… REVIEWING TERMS TO KNOW:
You will be using the packet that was posted online today for you to print and have with you We will be looking at three different documents that show you how institutional racism works in the real world You will be working with your SW partner and eventually you will be working in 4s DOCUMENT ANALYSIS
1. Read the text and information for every document. 2. Use the Thinking Log to answer the questions for EACH document 3. You will answer the same questions for every document. We will do the first one together! Sundown Towns! INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTITUTIONAL RACISM DOCUMENTS:
Identify who is targeted in this law, code, policy. i.e. blacks, whites, Mexicans, etc Write down 2-3 quotes, lines, or parts of the law that demonstrate the idea of Institutional racism the most Explain: How are the quotes or lines you wrote down examples of Institutional racism Comment: What are your thoughts, reactions, questions How does this law affect the people who are being targeted? SUN DOWN TOWNS
With your SW partner, you will now do the same analysis for the other two documents Questions, concerns, thoughts, prayers? Now, that you have analyzed in pairs, time to share with TWO other people Turn to TWO other people either next to you or behind you… EVERY Person should have AT LEAST ONE quote from each document to discuss and help analyze You are trying to help each other really analyze and understand these documents and what they mean TIME FOR YOU TO WORK
In your groups of four, select one person to discuss the remaining documents out to the floor… Let’s go group by group and talk this out on the floor… DEBRIEF ON THE FLOOR
Exit Slip: Use the last sheet in the packet- Rip it out and turn in for me to read Define racism. Define Institutional racism. Discuss 1 of the laws in the documents you reviewed today and explain what role does the institution play? How does power impact the way people are treated under the law? EXIT SLIP