Education and culture
University Campus
Historical heritage
Religious heritage
Damages to the education and culture sectors Direct damages Direct damages Repair or reconstruction costs of schooling facilities Repair or reconstruction costs of schooling facilities Furnishings and educational material’s replacement Furnishings and educational material’s replacement Rehabilitation of historical and cultural heritage Rehabilitation of historical and cultural heritage Indirect damages Indirect damages Delay in school year Delay in school year Rent of temporary facilities Rent of temporary facilities Repairs to schooling centres used as shelters for displaced population during disaster Repairs to schooling centres used as shelters for displaced population during disaster Reduced income from damaged culture and historical centres (museums, etc.) Reduced income from damaged culture and historical centres (museums, etc.)
Food and nutrition
Demand Reduced production and supply and supply Effect of lost basic consumption crops
Food deficit
Malnutrition: Impact on health
Internal and external migrations
Food and nutrition estimates of impact Prepare a basic foodstuff availability balance to identify food and nutritional deficits Prepare a basic foodstuff availability balance to identify food and nutritional deficits Identify the location and number of affected population Identify the location and number of affected population Indirect costs Indirect costs Food cost and temporary shelter for affected population deprived of food during migration process Food cost and temporary shelter for affected population deprived of food during migration process Determine the indirect cost of imported supply and food distribution campaigns to aboid malnutrition and migration Determine the indirect cost of imported supply and food distribution campaigns to aboid malnutrition and migration
Differential impact on women
Women and disasters Men and women share damage impact of disasters; nevertheless women face particular effects associated with sex differences Men and women share damage impact of disasters; nevertheless women face particular effects associated with sex differences Differences in gender roles require different apporaches in the face of reconstruction Differences in gender roles require different apporaches in the face of reconstruction
Disasters and women Estimates regularly made by ECLAC include damages to assets pertaining to women en each sector, as well as indirect losses of income in remunerated work Estimates regularly made by ECLAC include damages to assets pertaining to women en each sector, as well as indirect losses of income in remunerated work To this should be added other assets and non-formal activities, non-paid household chores performed at home, all of which are not included in the national accounts To this should be added other assets and non-formal activities, non-paid household chores performed at home, all of which are not included in the national accounts
Definitions Reproductive work: Reproductive work: Renewal of workforce (child care, education, etc.) Renewal of workforce (child care, education, etc.) Productive labour force availability (household care and cleaning, food preparation, water supply, personal care and attention, etc.) Productive labour force availability (household care and cleaning, food preparation, water supply, personal care and attention, etc.) Caring of labour force and population not participating in the workplace (ill, aged, incapacitated, etc.) Caring of labour force and population not participating in the workplace (ill, aged, incapacitated, etc.) Backyard economy (to supplement income and nutrition of the household): Backyard economy (to supplement income and nutrition of the household): Domestic bird and minor livestock raising Domestic bird and minor livestock raising Derivate foodstuff within the household (eggs, milk, etc.) Derivate foodstuff within the household (eggs, milk, etc.) Fruit yard Fruit yard Small subsistence lots and parcels Small subsistence lots and parcels
Direct damages Housing, furnishings, appliances lost, when women are heads of household Housing, furnishings, appliances lost, when women are heads of household Assets in formal sectors owned by women Assets in formal sectors owned by women Machinery and equipment of micro and small enterprises informally operated by women at home Machinery and equipment of micro and small enterprises informally operated by women at home “Backyard economy” assets (small species cattle, family lot, vegetable gardens and informally raised crops) “Backyard economy” assets (small species cattle, family lot, vegetable gardens and informally raised crops) Production stocks of both formal and informal activities Production stocks of both formal and informal activities
Direct damages: housing
Direct damages: micro-enterprises
Indirect damges or losses Temporary loss of remunerated work outside the home Temporary loss of remunerated work outside the home Production losses of micro and small enterprises Production losses of micro and small enterprises Same for household operated businesses Same for household operated businesses Production losses of “backyard economy” Production losses of “backyard economy” Increase in “reproductive” associated tasks and work Increase in “reproductive” associated tasks and work Other losses Other losses
Indirect damages: paid work losses
Indirect damage: increase in reproductive work