One System…One Mission The Future of Florida Ensuring Access to Postsecondary Education to Keep Florida Working December 14, Dr. Judith Bilsky, Executive Vice Chancellor The Florida College System
ONE System…ONE Mission The Florida College System = Access, Outreach, Responsiveness, Quality, Affordability, University Transfer and Workforce Education from career certificates through baccalaureate level programs targeting Florida’s economic needs… 11 “community” colleges 7 “colleges” 10 “state” colleges 62 campuses 183 total sites Over 887,000 students 333,272 in Associate in Arts 103,741 in Associate in Science/Applied Science 54,429 in Vocational and College Credit Certificates 152,218 in College and Vocational Prep 55,575 in Adult and Secondary 179,039 in Continuing Workforce Education 64,338 in Recreation and Leisure and Life Long Learning 13,171 in Bachelor of Science/Applied Science 4,202 in Educator Preparation Institutes 2
3 Source: PK-20 Education Data Warehouse. * Does not include students who enrolled in postsecondary education out of state, historically 4-5% of high school graduates. Note: percentages use the 90,769 as the denominator and will add up to more than 100% because students may enroll in more than one sector. What Happens After They Graduate? Standard Diplomas to Postsecondary 147,711 High School Diploma Recipients Independent Universities PK-12 Adult Programs Florida Colleges State Universities The Academic Year 90,769 (61%) Students Enrolled in a Florida Postsecondary Institution* 2,649 (3%) 60,237 (66%) 29,696 (29%) 4,744 (5%)
The Florida College System Headcount – Enrollment Trends, to *Lower and Upper Division Headcount; Students Enrolled in a Course—Student reported in the Student Database that was enrolled in any course.
Growth in the FCS Lower Division757,350767,632811,846843,221881,529 Upper Division2,8343,9025,6138,15512,408 Unduplicated Total Students in All Courses758,617769,393814,284846,961887,073 5 Notes: Students Enrolled in a Course – Student reported on the Student Database that was enrolled in any course. Source: Division of Florida Colleges
Degrees/Certificates Awarded Total Degrees/Certificates Awarded 86,970 AA Degrees48,763 Vocational/College Credit Cert.22,113 AS Degrees* 12,936 EPI1,556 Bachelors Degree Program1,602 *Majority enter the workforce 6
Florida College System Completion Trends, to
Plugging the Pipeline AA Transfers to the State Universities The dramatic growth in Florida College System enrollments is proportionally increasing the number of AA graduates. A gap is starting to grow between the number of AA graduates seeking to transfer and transfer admissions to the State University System. State universities will need to increase the number of transfer seats available to meet demand for junior level transfers. 8
Florida College Transfers & SUS Enrollment 9 Source: Florida Board of Governors
Concurrent-Use and Joint-Use Programs on FCS Campuses Between 2000 and 2010, concurrent-use/joint-use partnerships for baccalaureate and graduate degrees increased by 141% Approximately 20,000 students were served via 565 partnership programs in Partnerships were with: Nine public state universities (none at New College and UNF) Nine Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) institutions Six institutions outside of Florida 10
The Impact of Distance Learning For there were 544,964 enrollments in distance learning courses. This is an increase of 15 percent over the prior year. (84,000 new enrollments) Colleges produced 24,359 distance learning course sections Distance learning is 28 percent of credit enrollment. Web-based instruction accounts for 75% of the delivery method.
Baccalaureate Enrollments by Type of Program 12 Source: Division of Florida Colleges Note: The counts of students reflect only those who have been enrolled into a program. Student admitted to the upper division but not in a program are excluded.
13 SUS and FCS Enrollments by Age ( ) 44.4% of FCS Lower Division Enrollees are Over Age % of FCS Upper Division Enrollees are Over Age % of SUS Upper Division Enrollees are 24 or Younger
Race to the Top Will Significantly Impact the FCS th Graders in % High School Grad Rate 59 Graduate from High School in % College Going Rate 34 Go on to College After High School by % Enroll in the FCS 22 Enroll in a FCS College within A Year th Graders in % High School Grad Rate 85 Graduate from High School in % College Going Rate 63 Go on to College After High School by % Enroll in the FCS 42 Enroll in a FCS College within A Year
Strategic Planning for the Future... Many factors will drive continued future growth Pace of economic recovery High School grads continuing to postsecondary will increase under Race to the Top More veterans will take advantage of the G.I.Bill Demand for Upper Division spaces will increase The FCS graduation rate will climb proportionally The FCS completion agenda will produce more degrees
One System…One Mission The Florida College System Dr. Willis N. Holcombe, Chancellor Dr. Judith Bilsky, Executive Vice Chancellor The Florida College System